Dear SQLAlchemy users,

I have a mapped object called "Species" with a lot of relation() in it.
The user wants to have a "duplicate" function, so for a given "Species"
a new exact copy should be created, with all the relation().

I have pasted a copy of my code here :

As you can see at lines 53-55 of my paste, I just iterate on those
relations and I use a setattr() on the new object. It works perfectly,
except for the "regions" relation (line 16), where SQLAlchemy does
UPDATE statements: it replaces the "SpeciesRegion.species_id" of the
source Species with the new duplicated, so the source Species
has no more "regions" (SpeciesRegion). It seems logical to me because
SpeciesRegion is an association object, but I wondered if there is a
better way to do it than 1) iterate of SpeciesRegion objects of the
source Species, 2) create a new SpeciesRegion, 3) Adapting
SpeciesRegion.region 4) add the new SpeciesRegion to the new
Species.regions ?


Julien Cigar
Belgian Biodiversity Platform
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Campus de la Plaine CP 257
Bâtiment NO, Bureau 4 N4 115C (Niveau 4)
Boulevard du Triomphe, entrée ULB 2
B-1050 Bruxelles
Tel : 02 650 57 52

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