i have a relation say, foo. i want to have another descriptor, bar 
that does certain other things around that relation, but can be used 
just in same way as foo can in the aspects of expressions and 

i.e. query(A).join( A.foo) and query(A).join( A.bar) 
to produce same thing; as well as 
query(A).filter( A.foo == x) and query(A).filter( A.bar == x). 

i managed to get the latter by simulating the PropComparator 
interface, and i sort of managed to get the join working... 
but my relation is to an explicit association and i want to hide the 
explicitness. so i want query(A).join( A.bar) 
to behave same as 
query(A).join( A.bar).join( FooAssoc.otherside), 
or actualy as query(A).join( A.foo) as IF foo was implicit association 
via secondary table.


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