On Dec 22, 2008, at 12:22 AM, Bobby Impollonia wrote:

> This code isn't using transactions so retrying a failed query should
> be as simple as creating a new connection to replace the failed one
> and executing the query again.
> Still, I would much prefer to figure out the real cause, as you say. I
> had sort of given up on that because after a little while researching
> this error, I couldn't find much helpful info. It's hard to debug
> because the issue happens in a daily cron job, but it happens less
> than once a month and the rest of the time everything works fine. I
> have no way of consistently reproducing the problem or knowing if I've
> fixed it.
> I'm pretty sure there is no way that 8 hours could have gone by
> between the last query and the one that blew up.
> The basic structure of the cron job is:
> 1) It start up, does some sql stuff.
> 2) It forks a worker process using the python processing module.
> 3a) The worker calls metadata.bind.dispose() so that it won't try to
> reuse the connection it inherited from the parent. Worker then does
> some sql stuff. Worker always finishes successfully.

it might be better to just call create_engine() and not use bound  
metadata here.

> 3b)  Parent process goes into a loop doing sql stuff. Parent usually
> finishes successfully, but occasionally dies with the aforementioned
> MySQL error. I can't tell from the traceback whether it happens during
> the first iteration of the loop immediately after spawning the child
> or if it happens later.
> In principle, this structure is safe, right? 3a and 3b are happening
> in parallel, so it is indeterminate whether the worker calls dispose()
> before or during the sql stuff going on in the parent, but that
> shouldn't mater, right? Is it possible that the call to dispose() is
> somehow closing the connection in a way that sabotages the parent?

I wouldn't think so, but I'm not intricately familiar with the  
mechanics of database connections passed between parent/child forks.    
If its just a cron job you might want to consider using the NullPool  
which doesnt pool any connections.

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