Record_count is never set.


On Dec 23, 2008, at 3:27 PM, Philip <> wrote:

> I  am having a problem that I am not able to figure out. Maybe someone
> else can see what I am doing wrong. I am building a query using the
> SQL expression language. Then printing the SQL statement and counting
> the resulting records. When I run the generated SQL statement in the
> command-line MySQL client it yields 100's of results.  The problem is
> that the count that the script prints out is 0. I have included the
> code below:
> sel = select([table])
> sel = sel.select_from(table.join(listing, table.c.col_sysid ==
> listing.c.sysid))
> sel = sel.where(table.c.last_tr_date != listing.c.modified_date)
> print "SQL: " + sel
> result = conn.execute(sel)
> count = 0
> for row in result:
>    count = count + 1
> print "Count: " + str(record_count)
> >

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