Andreas Jung wrote:
> On 27.12.2008 11:06 Uhr, Jim Jones wrote:
> > Hi List,
> >
> > I have this simple model (in declarative style):
> >
> > class Item( Base ):
> >      __tablename__ = 'items'
> >      desc  = Column( 'desc', UnicodeText(), nullable=False )
> >      email = Column( 'email', UnicodeText(), nullable=False )
> >
> > How can I trigger an event when the value of 'desc' has changed
> > and the instance is persisted (e.g. via '')?
> Please check the SA docs on using the decl. layer. It tells you how
> to define your own get/set methods using the property mechanism.

Yes, I know about properties but as I understand it they fire when
the value is set and not when the instance is persisted.

I would like to make sure that my handler only fires when the change
is actually written to the database - to avoid triggering it multiple
times when the attribute is assigned to multiple times before save()
for whatever reason.
> If this is not good enough: check the MapperExtension mechanism, or 
> SessionExtensions or AttributeExtensions.

AttributeExtension looks promising but I cannot find usage examples.
How would I use these in my code?


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