On Jan 2, 10:41 pm, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> It would help if you could illustrate with accurate code - the UNION  
> above does not have consistent numbers of columns in each select() and  
> I think what you're trying to do is reverse f_1 and f_2 in the second  
> select() statement which is also not illustrated above.
> I am able to reproduce your results with the script at the end of this  
> email.

Thanks for taking the time to create a coherent example that works
I didn't know how to do this as I'm only familiar with using
SQLAlchemy via Elixir and TurboGears.

> Its a fun little problem for which I haven't thought of a solution as  
> of yet.  your union delivers both f_1 and f_2 from its second and  
> third columns.

What I am trying to do is select columns labelled 'f_1' and 'f_2' in
the 2nd and 3rd columns, i.e.

>>> u = union(
             select([MyE.id, MyE.f_2.label('f_1'), MyE.f_1.label
('f_2'), MyE.date])

This gives:
>>> print u.corresponding_column(MyE.__table__.c.f_2)
Which is the cause of the problem?

The SQL for this also leaves out the f_1 column in the outer select:
>>> print sess.query(MyE).select_from(u).order_by(MyE.date).all()
SELECT anon_1.id AS anon_1_id, anon_1.f_1 AS anon_1_f_1, anon_1.date
AS anon_1_date
FROM (SELECT mine.id AS id, mine.f_1 AS f_1, mine.f_2 AS f_2,
mine.date AS date
FROM mine UNION SELECT mine.id AS id, mine.f_2 AS f_1, mine.f_1 AS
f_2, mine.date AS date
FROM mine) AS anon_1 ORDER BY anon_1.date

Strangely, if I reorder the columns in the second half of the union:
u = union(
             select([MyE.id, MyE.f_1.label('f_2'), MyE.f_2.label
('f_1'), MyE.date])
I get the correct:
>>> print u.corresponding_column(MyE.__table__.c.f_2)
And the correct outer SELECT:
SELECT anon_1.id AS anon_1_id, anon_1.f_1 AS anon_1_f_1, anon_1.f_2 AS
anon_1_f_2, anon_1.date AS anon_1_date

But the inner UNION doesn't work (postgres at least), as it seems to
compute the union based on column position, rather than column label.

> If you ask the union, hey which one of your columns  
> corresponds to table.c.f_1 , the answer is ambiguous since its both.
> I could change corresponding_column to raise an error for this  
> ambiguity, but that wouldnt fix your problem.  The thing you "expect"  
> here is that the columns in the *first* select of the union should  
> take precedence over the subsequent ones.  A naive change in that  
> regard breaks tests which do in fact place columns in subsequent  
> selects which need to be counted so something else will have to be  
> figured out.   probably some extra guesswork in  
> CompoundSelect._populate_column_collection to detect this kind of thing.

At the moment I'm replacing the outer SELECT with a SELECT * which
gives the intended results.

> Why do all the really intricate problems seem to come from the elixir  
> camp ?  :)

Now I feel subversive ;)


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