One thing to notice about ignoring the ids completely. This can
introduce inefficiencies when updating records. In the sample function
tst3() the line

    child.parent = parent

causes SA to read the old parent record to get the attribute
child.parent. Changing to:

    child.id_d =

eliminates the extra SELECT statement.

Inefficiencies like that are pretty rare.

On Jan 9, 11:33 pm, MikeCo <> wrote:
> I spent some time understanding this a little while ago. Here is the
> construct you need
> (thanks to Michael Bayer for making it clear for me)
> # D  self referential
> class D(Base):
>     __tablename__ = 'D'
>     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>     id_d = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
>     name = Column(Text)
>     child = relation('D', backref=backref('parent',
> remote_side=''))
> The 'child' relation establishes the two way linkage you want.
> One of the key things to think about is to use objects as normal
> python data structures. Generally you don't need to manipulate ids;
> let SQLAlchemy worry about that.
> Here is sample script I used when learning the topic
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> from sqlalchemy import *
> from sqlalchemy.orm import *
> from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
> dbname = ''
> dburl = 'sqlite:///%s' % dbname
> # set up environment
> eng = create_engine(dburl, echo=False)
> meta = MetaData(bind=eng)
> Base = declarative_base(metadata=meta)
> Session = sessionmaker()
> # D  self referential
> class D(Base):
>     __tablename__ = 'D'
>     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>     id_d = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
>     name = Column(Text)
>     child = relation('D',
>         backref=backref('parent', remote_side=''))
>     def __repr__(self):
>         return '--<D> (id:%s->id_d:%s) %s --' % (, self.id_d,
> def initdb():
>     print '# create the database'
>     meta.drop_all(checkfirst=True)
>     meta.create_all()
>     sess = Session()
>     # insert some data for self-reference relationship
>     for ddata in ('d-one', 'd-two'):
>         dobj = D(name=ddata)
>         sess.add(dobj)
>         dobj2 = D(name=ddata+'-child1')
>         dobj.child.append(dobj2)
>         dobj2 = D(name=ddata+'-child2')
>         dobj.child.append(dobj2)
>         dobj3 = D(name=ddata+'-child2'+'-child3')
>         dobj2.child.append(dobj3)
>     sess.commit()
>     sess.close()
> def printobj(obj, indent=''):
>     # recursive list
>     print '%s%s' % (indent, obj)
>     if hasattr(obj, 'child'):
>         for ch in obj.child:
>             printobj(ch, indent=indent+'    ')
> def listd():
>     # retrieve and list
>     sess = Session()
>     print '# D->D'
>     query = sess.query(D).filter(D.id_d==None).order_by(
>     for dobj in query:
>         printobj(dobj)
>     sess.close()
> def tst3():
>     # do stuff with self referential class D
>     sess = Session()
>     print "#switch parentage of name 'd-two-child1' to 'd-one'"
>     print '# before'
>     listd()
>     child = sess.query(D).filter('d-two-child1').one()
>     parent = sess.query(D).filter('d-one').one()
>     eng.echo=True
>     child.parent = parent
> += ' MOVED'
>     sess.commit()
>     eng.echo=False
>     print '# after'
>     listd()
> initdb()
> tst3()
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> On Jan 9, 10:03 pm, Darren Govoni <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >   Thanks for the response. I'm still fairly new to SA but am very
> > impressed with this package!
> > I tried a variety of combinations of mappings. If I use just the
> > parent_id,parent it would seem to make sense logically if my children
> > only have one parent.
> > The tables generate fine. But when I try to set the parent of a child at
> > runtime it throws an exception about Conversion not being a list or
> > collection or something. So I was experimenting with the M2M, and as you
> > see, its not right.
> > Logically, the self referring parent should be enough I would think. Is
> > there another way using Base without having to use another mapping
> > technique since all my other classes are Base derived?
> > Thank you.
> > On Fri, 2009-01-09 at 20:17 -0500, Michael Bayer wrote:
> > > On Jan 9, 2009, at 7:42 PM, project2501 wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > >  I'm trying to create a mapped class that allows parent/child
> > > > relation of itself. I've spent the last 3 hours searching and reading
> > > > the other posts on this, but can't get anything to work.
> > > > I'm on 0.5rc4 and just want to declare this in a mapped class as such:
> > > > class Conversion(Base):
> > > >    __tablename__ = 'conversion'
> > > >    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
> > > >    name = Column(String(20))
> > > >    parent_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
> > > >    parent = relation("Conversion", backref="child")
> > > >    children = relation('Conversion', secondary=conversion_conversion,
> > > > backref='parents')
> > > > I was hoping to use the same style many-to-many declarations I do
> > > > elsewhere. It creates fine, but doesn't work when adding objects.
> > > The many-to-many is possible but is not really necessary for the  
> > > typical self-referential mapping.  It depends on if you'd like a  
> > > single object to have many parents.  However in your example above, it  
> > > appears you are creating two separate self-referring bidirectional  
> > > relationships, "parent/child" (which is also misconfigured, the many-
> > > to-one side needs a remote_side argument) and "parents/children".    
> > > This would create two entirely isolated methods of associating one  
> > > Conversion object with another - there's no link between parent/child  
> > > and parents/children.  Is this the desired effect ?
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