On Jan 9, 2009, at 10:20 PM, Randall Smith wrote:

> After thinking about it some more, I think that the main issue is a  
> lack
> of auto-commit in the DBAPI.  Some drivers implement it and some  
> don't.
>  Though it's usually a good idea to use transactions, there are some
> times for real auto-commit.

theres a wide degree of variability in the presence and behavior of  
transactions.  if you use MySQL MyISAM, theres no transaction at all.   
If you're on Oracle, there's always a transaction. Though I agree a  
DBAPI level autocommit setting would have been nice.

> For example, I'm working on a thick client query tool in which a
> connection might be held open for days.  There is an auto-commit  
> mode as
> well as a transaction mode.  In auto-commit mode, changes in the
> database from any session should be visible immediately.

You just need to ensure you clear any transactional state on the  
connection before using it, or after you're done with it.  the SQLA  
connection pool accomplishes this nicely.

> The issue is really just when using SA as a high level DBAPI.  Because
> transactions require explicit calls (e.g. trans = conn.begin()), I  
> think
> that most people would imply that no transaction is in effect without
> this explicit call and would be surprised to discover there is one.

Its an interesting idea that the Connection object would be always  
"transactional" in nature, we wouldn't have the Transaction interface  
as it stands now and you'd just be saying Connection.commit()/ 
rollback() the same way as a DBAPI connection.

At the time I created it i wanted to restore the concept of a  
"begin()" to the interface which DBAPI had removed.   But really all  
begin() says is "turn the autocommit mode off".   So we did decide to  
change the semantics of a DBAPI connection a bit here, but with  
regards to the original design, i.e. there was no Connection, just  
Engine which returned connections to the pool after each use, it  
worked out fairly well.  So I guess there's some history to this.

Explicit connection usage is not very common in any case since theres  
usually not much need for it, unless you want to control the  
transaction explicitly.   Rethinking the interface of Connection at  
this level is always an option but we'd need a seriously good reason  
to do so since the transactional story of the library is one of the  
most critical things an application is constructed around...I'd worry  
that a change in that story would potentially throw away a lot of the  
smooth sailing we've had for a couple of years.

> Maybe you didn't intend for it to be used like I'm using it, but I  
> must
> say that for the most part, it does a great job of creating a standard
> interface for the various drivers.  Also, I like ResultProxy,
> reflecttable and other goodies.

well I guess the "intent" part here is that you're keeping a  
connection checked out of the pool for a long time.  that is OK as  
long as you do a rollback() on it after each period of usage.   Seems  
like it would be a lot easier to just use the pool though, "open" the  
connection when you need it, "close" it when youre done.  you also get  
the benefit of pool_recycle if thats needed.

> Curious.  Why would you choose not to use the driver's autocommit
> functionality if available?  For example, with psycopg2, you could do:
>     con.set_isolation_level(0)

if we started supporting that, it actually adds more code to SQLA  
since our current autocommit mechanism has to become conditional, we'd  
also need extra communication with the connection to "turn autocommit  
off" when returned to the pool, etc.  The current autocommit is  
generic and behaves consistently across all backends, with almost no  
backend-specific code.   if we start using the autocommit  
functionality of those drivers which provide it (i think sqlite has  
one too), it would potentially introduce behavioral variability into  
the equation, such as what kinds of statements COMMIT is issued for,  
issues which may be specific to certain versions of the DBAPI, etc.   
Again this is a question of what benefit we would get.    If DBAPI did  
provide autocommit() at the generic level, that would make it easier  
since we could code to that feature exclusively.

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