def __init__( me,  **ka):
        for k,v in ka.iteritems(): setattr( me,k,v)
def update( me,  ka):
        for k,v in ka.iteritems(): setattr( me,k,v)

generic repr/str is more tricky... one way is like:
for p in object_mapper(self).iterate_properties:
        print getattr( self, p.key)
or was it something similar...

be careful with recursive a-b-a or a-a relations... if u want a sort-of fool 
proof generic str, see here:


On Monday 12 January 2009 18:24, Christoph Haas wrote:
> Dear list,
> I used to use a certain ORM base class with SQLA 0.4 for a while. It
> defined __init__, __repr__ and update so that I could preset mapped
> objects with values like
>       leo = User(name='leo', age=23)
> or just
>       print leo
> and especially
>       leo.update(dictionary_from_web_form)
> I couldn't find it on the wiki anymore. And what I use here doesn't work
> properly on 0.5 (it relies heavily on the 'c' attribute and just removing
> it doesn't solve things because it tries "if a_certain_attribute in
> this_object.c").
> If anyone has "ported" that few lines of code to 0.5 please let me know.
> I thought that the declarative_base helps here but it's just helping with
> the declaration.
> Cheers
>  Christoph

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