that should be fine, what does your log output say ?

On Jan 14, 2009, at 12:38 AM, atomburner wrote:

> Mr. Bayer, you know entirely too much about all kinds of databases.
> A follow-up question to your erudite comment (and let me first say
> that I love sqlalchemy and have spent a good amount of time immersed
> in its documentation before posting):
> I tried running an update query of the form
>  conn.execute(tbl.update().where('test').values
> (title='updated_title'))
> FWIW the column was setup as follows (in PostgreSQL 8.2):
>  Column('updated', DateTime,
> After running above code and requerying the db, the 'updated' column
> is still null.
> I also tried using func.current_timestamp() with no luck.
> Any tips you are able to provide are greatly appreciated.
> Best regards,
> Atom
> On Dec 6 2008, 6:48 am, Michael Bayer <>
> wrote:
>> that is the correct syntax.  It will take effect any time an update()
>> construct is used or when the ORM updates a row.   Becauseonupdateis
>> not a DDL-side construct, it will not take effect if you use a plain
>> text UPDATE statement or if the update is otherwise not emitted by  
>> the
>> SQLAlchemy application.   The PassiveDefault, since it does represent
>> DDL, will work in this manner, but only if the table was created  
>> using
>> this table construct.
>> On Dec 6, 2008, at 4:50 AM, jo wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I created a table with the following column:
>>> Column('last_updated', DateTime,  
>>> PassiveDefault(func.current_timestamp
>>> ()),onupdate=func.current_timestamp())
>>> Maybe I don't understand howonupdateworks.
>>> I would like to have this column to be changed every time the row is
>>> updated,
>>> but it doesn't work.
>>> thank you for any help
>>> j
> >

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