You might want to try select([col1, col2, col3]).select_from("scntest  
AS OF SCN 123") , though that won't integrate with session.query()  
unless you use from_statement().

I haven't seen that syntax before but it would otherwise have to be  
added to the oracle dialect as a feature, such as select(....,  
oracle_flashback="SCN 123").

I dont know what "AS OF" does but is it a syntactical substitute for  
standard SQL ?   I'd go with the standard SQL if possible.

On Jan 26, 2009, at 12:57 AM, botz wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm wondering if there's a way I can add a string to the tablename in
> a select query without affecting reflection, aliases, etc.
> Eg.
> given:
> t = Table( 'c1', column( 'c1', Integer, primary_key=True)
> I'd like to be able to generate:
> SELECT scntest.c1 AS scntest_c1 FROM scntest AS OF SCN 123
> maybe using something like
> session.query( t.from_append( "AS OF SCN 123" )).all()
> >

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