oh, duh.  do it like this:

for purchase in list(aItem.purchase):
        purchase.cbbottle = bItem

I leave it to you as an exercise why this is the case.

On Jan 29, 2009, at 3:08 PM, Werner F. Bruhin wrote:

> Michael Bayer wrote:
> ..
>> right there, purchasid 80 is not even in the list of items anymore.
>> This is basically iterate the list, 80 is there, then flush(), then  
>> 80
>> is not there.  this is all before anything has been "moved".   so
>> either the flush() does something, or just the move of item #79
>> affects something with #80.  try it without the flush(), and
>> alternatively try iterating through the list a second time without
>> moving the items, see if 80 disappears.   try without the delete-
>> orphan too, perhaps thats triggering an event that is problematic.
> Tried it with removing the flush() and not using the delete-orphan and
> still the same behavior.
> I then added two more purchase records and now a pattern starts to  
> show,
> i.e. every second one does not get moved.
> The slightly updated script (added a print itemB.purchase and removed
> the flush) and the output:
> itemA = session.query(db.Cbbottle).get(keyA)
> itemB = session.query(db.Cbbottle).get(keyB)
> print 'start to move from B to A'
> print 'itemA id: %s' % itemA.cbbottleid
> print 'no purch: %s' % len(itemB.purchase)
> print itemB.purchase
> itemB = session.query(db.Cbbottle).get(keyB)
> for purch in itemB.purchase:
>    print 'purchasid: %s' % purch.purchaseid
>    print 'fk_cbbottleid: %s' % purch.fk_cbbottleid
>    purch.cbbottle = itemA
> session.commit()
> itemA = session.query(db.Cbbottle).get(keyA)
> print 'after move from B to A'
> print 'itemA id: %s' % itemA.cbbottleid
> for purch in itemA.purchase:
>    print 'purchasid: %s' % purch.purchaseid
>    print 'fk_cbbottleid: %s' % purch.fk_cbbottleid
> before move from B to A
> itemB id: 174
> purchasid: 79
> fk_cbbottleid: 174
> purchasid: 80
> fk_cbbottleid: 174
> purchasid: 81
> fk_cbbottleid: 174
> purchasid: 82
> fk_cbbottleid: 174
> purchasid: 83
> fk_cbbottleid: 174
> start to move from B to A
> itemA id: 175
> no purch: 5
> [Purchase(created=datetime.date(2009, 1, 29), fk_cbbottleid=174,
> fk_cellarid=None, fk_currencyid=1, fk_supplierid=None,
> purchased=datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 29, 0, 0), purchaseid=79,
> purchaseprice=Decimal("0"), purchasepriceforeign=Decimal("0"),
> purchasevalue=Decimal("0"), quantity=1, remarks=None, transferid=None,
> updated=datetime.date(2009, 1, 29)),
> Purchase(created=datetime.date(2009, 1, 29), fk_cbbottleid=174,
> fk_cellarid=None, fk_currencyid=1, fk_supplierid=None,
> purchased=datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 29, 0, 0), purchaseid=80,
> purchaseprice=Decimal("0"), purchasepriceforeign=Decimal("0"),
> purchasevalue=Decimal("0"), quantity=1, remarks=None, transferid=None,
> updated=datetime.date(2009, 1, 29)),
> Purchase(created=datetime.date(2009, 1, 29), fk_cbbottleid=174,
> fk_cellarid=None, fk_currencyid=1, fk_supplierid=None,
> purchased=datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 29, 0, 0), purchaseid=81,
> purchaseprice=Decimal("0"), purchasepriceforeign=Decimal("0"),
> purchasevalue=Decimal("0"), quantity=5, remarks=None, transferid=None,
> updated=datetime.date(2009, 1, 29)),
> Purchase(created=datetime.date(2009, 1, 29), fk_cbbottleid=174,
> fk_cellarid=None, fk_currencyid=1, fk_supplierid=None,
> purchased=datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 29, 0, 0), purchaseid=82,
> purchaseprice=Decimal("0"), purchasepriceforeign=Decimal("0"),
> purchasevalue=Decimal("0"), quantity=2, remarks=None, transferid=None,
> updated=datetime.date(2009, 1, 29)),
> Purchase(created=datetime.date(2009, 1, 29), fk_cbbottleid=174,
> fk_cellarid=None, fk_currencyid=1, fk_supplierid=None,
> purchased=datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 29, 0, 0), purchaseid=83,
> purchaseprice=Decimal("0"), purchasepriceforeign=Decimal("0"),
> purchasevalue=Decimal("0"), quantity=3, remarks=None, transferid=None,
> updated=datetime.date(2009, 1, 29))]
> purchasid: 79
> fk_cbbottleid: 174
> purchasid: 81
> fk_cbbottleid: 174
> purchasid: 83
> fk_cbbottleid: 174
> after move from B to A
> itemA id: 175
> purchasid: 79
> fk_cbbottleid: 175
> purchasid: 81
> fk_cbbottleid: 175
> purchasid: 83
> fk_cbbottleid: 175
> My work around is iterate over the purchase relation and get the  
> primary
> keys, then do a query on the purchase table and move them.
> Following script does the trick but it is not quit as nice.
> keyA = 174
> keyB = 175
> itemB = session.query(db.Cbbottle).get(keyB)
> print 'before move from B to A'
> print 'itemB id: %s' % itemB.cbbottleid
> allPurch = []
> for purch in itemB.purchase:
>    allPurch.append(purch.purchaseid)
> print 'allPurch: %s' % allPurch
> itemA = session.query(db.Cbbottle).get(keyA)
> itemB = session.query(db.Cbbottle).get(keyB)
> print 'start to move from B to A'
> print 'itemA id: %s' % itemA.cbbottleid
> print 'no purch: %s' % len(itemB.purchase)
> for purchId in allPurch:
>    purch = session.query(db.Purchase).get(purchId)
>    print 'purchasid: %s' % purch.purchaseid
>    print 'fk_cbbottleid: %s' % purch.fk_cbbottleid
>    purch.cbbottle = itemA
> session.commit()
> itemA = session.query(db.Cbbottle).get(keyA)
> print 'after move from B to A'
> print 'itemA id: %s' % itemA.cbbottleid
> for purch in itemA.purchase:
>    print 'purchasid: %s' % purch.purchaseid
>    print 'fk_cbbottleid: %s' % purch.fk_cbbottleid
> Werner
> >

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