outerjoin() will bridge between multiple tables if you specify a list  
to a single outerjoin() call (see the examples in the reference  
documentation).  However for joined table inheritance with the ORM no  
explicit joining is necessary, see the documenation on using  
with_polymorphic in the mapper inheritance section.   If you do want  
to join explciitly using mappers that are already joined by  
inheritance, it may be necessary to join with the mapped Table objects  
directly (assuming you're on 0.5) since the mapper SRC1, SRC2, etc.  
already indicate "the join of the base table to the SRC table", etc.

On Feb 1, 2009, at 11:04 PM, MikeCo wrote:

> Oops, the description should say
> Inputs are stored in a single table with column "kind" as a
> discriminator.
> On Feb 1, 10:58 pm, MikeCo <mconl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I can't figure out how to write this outer join query in ORM-speak.
>> Jobs have Steps; Steps have optional inputs of type "SRC1", "SRC2",  
>> or
>> "SRC3". Steps are stored in a single table with column "kind" as a
>> discriminator. The existing legacy code uses a SELECT statement with
>> outer joins to get the correct result.
>> Here are the classes
>> class Job(Base):
>>     __tablename__ = 'job'
>>     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
>>     title = Column(String(20))
>>     jobnum = Column(Integer)
>>     steps = relation('Step', backref=('jobs'))
>>     def __repr__(s): return '<Job> %s %s'%(s.id,s.title)
>> class Step(Base):
>>     __tablename__ = 'step'
>>     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
>>     name = Column(String(20))
>>     job_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('job.id'))
>>     inputs = relation('Input', backref=('step'))
>>     def __repr__(s): return '<Step> %s %s'%(s.id,s.name)
>> class Input(Base):
>>     __tablename__ = 'input'
>>     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
>>     kind = Column(String(10))
>>     value = Column(String(20))
>>     step_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('step.id'))
>>     __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_on': kind}
>>     def __repr__(s): return '<Input> %s %s %s'%(s.id,s.kind,s.value)
>> class SRC1(Input):
>>     __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'SRC1'}
>> class SRC2(Input):
>>     __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'SRC2'}
>> class SRC3(Input):
>>     __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'SRC3'}
>> The legacy query works correctly in SA like this, including returning
>> "None" for missing Input columns
>> session.execute("""
>> select job.title, step.name, src1.value, src2.value, src3.value
>>     job
>>     JOIN step ON step.job_id = job.id
>>     (SELECT step.id AS id, step.name AS name, input.value AS value
>>       FROM step
>>         JOIN input ON step.id = input.step_id
>>         WHERE input.kind = 'SRC1') AS src1
>>             ON src1.id = step.id
>>     (SELECT step.id AS id, step.name AS name, input.value AS value
>>       FROM step
>>         JOIN input ON step.id = input.step_id
>>         WHERE input.kind = 'SRC2') AS src2
>>             ON src2.id = step.id
>>     (SELECT step.id AS id, step.name AS name, input.value AS value
>>       FROM step
>>         JOIN input ON step.id = input.step_id
>>         WHERE input.kind = 'SRC3') AS src3
>>             ON src3.id = step.id
>> """)
>> How do I do this with ORM queries?
>> I have tried variations of query.outerjoin, without success. I think
>> some form of this should work, but the generated SQL isn't right
>> q = session.query
>> (Job.title,Step.name,SRC1.value,SRC2.value,SRC3.value)
>> q = q.join(Step)
>> q = q.outerjoin(SRC1, aliased=True)
>> q = q.outerjoin(SRC2, aliased=True)
>> q = q.outerjoin(SRC3, aliased=True)
>> q = q.filter(Job.id==1)
>> generated this SQL:
>> SELECT job.title   AS job_title,
>>        step.name   AS step_name,
>>        input.value AS input_value
>> FROM   input,
>>        job
>>        JOIN step
>>          ON job.id = step.job_id
>>        LEFT OUTER JOIN INPUT AS input_1
>>          ON step.id = input_1.step_id
>>        LEFT OUTER JOIN INPUT AS input_2
>>          ON step.id = input_2.step_id
>>        LEFT OUTER JOIN INPUT AS input_3
>>          ON step.id = input_3.step_id
>> WHERE  job.id = ?
>>        AND input.kind IN (?)
>>        AND input.kind IN (?)
>>        AND input.kind IN (?)
>> with these parameters
>>   [1, 'SRC1', 'SRC2','SRC']
>> This is actually close, but
>>   1. the three outer joins need to be aliased and qualified by SRCx
>> strings to reflect the polymorphism. the three input.kind IN clauses
>> are in the wrong place.
>>   2. including 'input' in the FROM clause will cause a cross join if
>> the any data is actually retrieved
>>   3. SELECT xxx should include 3 columns for the 3 SRCx.value columns
>> So, HELP, I obviously have a lot to learn how to construct more
>> complex queries.
> >

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