Thank you so much guys!
Now I figured it out. Hope this will help someone else as well :)

On Feb 2, 9:53 pm, MikeCo <> wrote:
> Commit behavior depends on how you configure the session's autocommit
> property. Follow the log messages in this little test.
> from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table, Column, String
> from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
> meta = MetaData('sqlite:///')
> Session = sessionmaker(bind=meta.bind)
> t = Table('something',meta,
>     Column('stuff',String)
>     )
> print '+++++++++ create_all()'
> meta.create_all()
> meta.bind.echo=True
> session1 = Session(autocommit=False)  # this is default behavior
> print '+++++++++ execute() will not include commit'
> session1.execute("insert into something(stuff) values('some stuff')")
> print '+++++++++ commit()  need to do it yourself'
> session1.commit()
> session2 = Session(autocommit=True)  # commit is configurable
> print '+++++++++ execute() will include commit'
> session2.execute("insert into something(stuff) values('some more
> stuff')")
> On Feb 2, 1:15 pm, Bob Farrell <>
> wrote:
> > On Mon, Feb 02, 2009 at 09:56:15AM -0800, Pavel Skvazh wrote:
> > > Do I have to call Session.commit() after this or it's already taken
> > > care of? In other words does the literal sql statements follow the
> > > session transaction rules or they act on there own?
> > sess.execute() will execute whatever you pass it immediately.
> > > And since this works and worked for me for a long time now, what's the
> > > benefit of from sqlalchemy.sql import text that I noticed in the docs
> > > lately?
> > Using text() creates a ClauseElement that you can whack together with other
> > constructs. See the docs here for more 
> > info:
> > > Thanks!
> > --
> > --------------------------
> > Bob Farrell
> > pH, an Experian
> > Office Line: 020 7598 0310
> > Fax: 020 7598 0311
> > --------------------------
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