is this joined inheritance or concrete?
IMO if Product inherits Node, they has to have same PK?

On Thursday 12 February 2009 23:56:12 Bruce van der Kooij wrote:
> Many thanks Michael, your instructions were spot-on. In the process
> of following your instructions I decided to switch from using
> ext.declarative to a non-declarative style (define tables, define
> Python objects, setting up the mapping, the works :-).
> Regretfully while trying to work out the rest of the model (see
> ASCII diagram below) I hit another wall. I'm currently trying to
> make the model Product inherit from Node, I'm having issues with
> this because the situation I'm faced with deviates from the
> excellent examples in the documentation.
> +--------------+             +--------------+
> | Node         |             | User         |
> +--------------+           1 +--------------+
> | nid (PK, AI) |        /--->| uid (PK, AI) |
> | vid          | 0..*  /     +--------------+
> | uid          |------/
> +--------------+
>        ^
>        | is subclass of
> +-------------+
> | Product     |
> +-------------+
> | vid (PK)    |
> | nid         |
> +-------------+
> The User relation is irrelevant, but I added it to present "the
> full picture". I also excluded the relation with the NodeRevision
> model since I already posted that above.
> Creating a Product instance, adding it to the session and
> committing it results in a node, a revision and a product. However
> the problem that arises is that the row for the Product table will
> not have the correct vid (it will remain on the default value, not
> with the vid of the NodeRevision associated with the Node).
> Subsequent INSERTS will then fail (duplicate entry). I'm led to
> believe that the problem stems from the fact that the primary key
> for the products table differs from that of the node table (vid
> compared to nid).
> I haven't yet managed to figure out a solution to this predicament,
> I'll probably look into multi-table mapping next to see if that
> might help.
> Here's what I've managed to get so far:
> #
> node_table = Table("node", metadata,
>     Column("vid", Integer, ForeignKey("node_revisions.vid")),
>     Column("uid", Integer, ForeignKey("users.uid")),
>     autoload=True
> )
> node_revisions_table = Table("node_revisions", metadata,
>     Column("nid", Integer, ForeignKey("node.nid")),
>     Column("uid", Integer, ForeignKey("users.uid")),
>     autoload=True
> )
> uc_products_table = Table("uc_products", metadata,
>     Column("vid", Integer, ForeignKey("node_revisions.vid"),
> primary_key=True),
>     Column("nid", Integer, ForeignKey("node.nid")),
>     autoload=True
> )
> # (simplified):
> class Node(object):
>     pass
> class NodeRevision(object):
>    pass
> class Product(Node):
>   pass
> # (mapping):
> node_mapper = mapper(Node, node_table,
>     polymorphic_on=node_table.c.type,
>     properties={
>         "user": relation(User),
>         "latest_revision": relation(NodeRevision,
>             primaryjoin=node_table.c.vid ==
> node_revisions_table.c.vid,
>             post_update=True
>         ),
>         "revisions": relation(NodeRevision,
>             primaryjoin=node_table.c.nid ==
> node_revisions_table.c.nid,
>             backref=backref("node",
>                 primaryjoin=node_revisions_table.c.nid ==
> node_table.c.nid
>             )
>         )
>     }
> )
> node_revision_mapper = mapper(NodeRevision, node_revisions_table,
> properties={
>     "user": relation(User)
> })
> uc_products_mapper = mapper(Product, uc_products_table,
>     polymorphic_identity="product"
> )
> # Example of creating a product (user relation left out for
> simplicity):
> product = Product().
> product.latest_revision = NodeRevision(node=product)
> Thanks for all your help.
> Best regards,
> Bruce

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