put the decl-base only in separate file, and import it in all usages?

On Saturday 14 February 2009 19:08:58 dasacc22 wrote:
> I dont know how I can do that. Right now my a.py and b.py declare
> their own declarative_base that get subclassed by my table
> definations. The main goal here is that a is not aware of b and
> vice versa and I cant pass Base to an import. So I need to combine
> the metadata of multiple declarative bases together.
> I was just thinking maybe I can create sqlalchemy.MetaData() and
> then iterate over a.metadata['tables'] and b's and then tack on my
> relationship and create_all from this. But then I guess i would
> have to use mapper to connect a.Group and b.User to the new
> metadata that i just generated. I dont know if this would work or
> much less, be an optimal solution.
> On Feb 14, 11:38 am, a...@svilendobrev.com wrote:
> > use one decl-base for all?
> >
> > On Saturday 14 February 2009 18:30:14 dasacc22 wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > Say I have two different files that I import that establish
> > > tables via declarative_base, so
> > >
> > > import a, b
> > >
> > > where there exists a.Group and b.User and then I create my
> > > engine
> > >
> > > engine = create_engine(...)
> > >
> > > and then I ..
> > >
> > > a.metadata.bind = engine
> > > b.metadata.bind = engine
> > >
> > > or I could call create_all(engine) or whatever. But what I want
> > > to do is create a many-to-many table called group_users and set
> > > ..
> > >
> > > a.User.groups = relation('Group', secondary=group_users,
> > > backref='user')
> > > b.Group.users = relation('User', secondary=group_users,
> > > backref='group')
> > >
> > > and right now i do this by creating a third metadata that i
> > > bind to engine. But unfortunately its not aware of either
> > > tables from the first two metadatas that ive imported.
> > >
> > > Is there a way that I can merge all metadata's? Or make my
> > > relational metadata aware of the tables in the first two?
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Daniel

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