On Feb 19, 2009, at 6:42 PM, Jeff Cook wrote:

> Using the following code with Pylons, SQLAlchemy and SQLSoup:
>    def add(self):
>        ians = text (""" SELECT * FROM insert_clinic(:name, :addr,
> :city, :state, :zip, :taxid, :note, :website, :addedby) """)
>        conn = meta.soup.engine.connect()
>        ins = conn.execute(ians, name=request.params['name'],
> addr=request.params['address'], city=request.params['city'],
> state=request.params['state'], zip=request.params['zip'],
> taxid=request.params['taxid'],  note=request.params['note'],
> website=request.params['website'], addedby=session['user_id'])
>        Session.commit()

the engine.connect() returns a connection that is autocommitting.  The  
Session.commit() is unrelated and will have no effect here since you  
are not making usage of the Session's execute() method.   If you see  
ROLLBACK in your logs, thats because ROLLBACK is issued when  
connections are returned to the pool so that locks and transactional  
state are released.

Above, you're only executing a "SELECT" statement, so no autocommit  
will occur.   If the insert_clinic() requires commit, here are your  
three options:

1. send it as text("select * from ...", autocommit=True).
2. use Session.execute(), so that the Session.commit() is meaningful
3. create a transaction on your connection; trans = conn.begin();  
conn.execute(...); trans.commit().

You're likely looking for #2 here.

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