On Feb 19, 7:23 pm, Rick Morrison <rickmorri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Unfortunately, AFAICT, MS-SQL does not have an OFFSET clause (it uses
> > TOP instead of LIMIT). How does SQLA handle this situation?
> For mssql2005 and higher, (those versions of mssql that support window
> functions using OVER,  row_number(), rank(), etc.), we simulate an OFFSET by
> wrapping the query with an outer query, and using "where row_number() >=
> offset and row_number() < offset + limit"
> For mssql 2000 and lower, you'll be limited to use of LIMIT, and the mssql
> dialect will know to use "TOP" instead of the "LIMIT" syntax.
> For this to work in SA 0.4 and 0.5, you'll need to add the engine keyword
> "has_window_funcs=1" to your connection string. From what I understand, SA
> 0.6+ will sniff out the mssql version and automatically toggle the behavior.
> Rick

Thanks for the info - much appreciated.


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