Hi Michael,

Thanks for the quick response!

I had no luck with has()/any() mostly because I didn't have the
attribute per se, just its (string) name - but I've rather belatedly
realised I can just use modelClass.__dict__[attr].any(), which works
like a charm.

I'll consider the functional approach you suggested, it does look much
cleaner - thanks for the tip.

A related question; I'm sure there must be a straightforward way,
given an attribute 'attr' (which is a relation) of a mapped class
'Foo', to extract a reference to the mapped class to which the
relation points. I currently have the following:

tC = orm.class_mapper(Foo).get_property(attr)._get_target().class_

Or, broken down

M = orm.class_mapper(Foo)        # Mapper for the class
p = M.get_property(attr)         # The property
Mt = p._get_target()             # Mapper for the target
tC = Mt.class_                   # Target class.

But I'm fairly sure any sequence of calls that involve methods from
someone else's code which begin with an underscore counts as bad
form ;) is there a more direct way of getting this?


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