I use declarative to define database scheme, and binds parameter to
session constructed from several metadata tables lists. And I have a
problem with inherited models, where table is represented as Join
object: get_bind() method doesn't find an engine. A quick-n-dirty
solution I use is:

class Session(orm.session.Session):

    def get_bind(self, mapper, clause=None):
        from sqlalchemy.orm.util import _class_to_mapper
        if mapper is not None and clause is None:
            c_mapper = _class_to_mapper(mapper)
            if hasattr(c_mapper, 'mapped_table'):
                clause = mapper.mapped_table
        return orm.session.Session.get_bind(self, mapper, clause)

Is it a bug in SQLAlchemy or I use it inapropriately? What is correct
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