When I do this...

cpt_codes = ManyToMany(
  order_by = procedure_cpt_codes.c.cpt_codes_idx

# procedure_cpt_codes is the JOIN table in between the parent
(procedure) <---< children (cpt_codes)
# procedure_cpt_codes has 3 columns...procedure_id (foreign key),
cpt_code_id (foreign key) and cpt_codes_idx that's sorted

...I get the following error:

TypeError: 'Column' object is not iterable

I had tried passing order_by several configurations including the
column object as you suggested to no avail. It seemed when I looked
through the documentation and source (which was a few days ago now so
my memory may be fuzzy) for ManyToMany order_by was expecting a string
that was the name of a column on the secondary table (CptCode in my

I've since started to try to shoe horn the relationship with an
association object representing the join table which seemed the only
way to access a non-foreign key column on the join table to order the
collection by. If there's a better way to do this with the order_by
parameter I'd love to figure it out b/c association object syntax with
ORM gets REALLY messy.

Thanks, Scott

On Mar 10, 12:03 pm, "Michael Bayer" <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> order_by accepts a Column object, i.e. table.c.whatever, so pass that in.
> Scott wrote:
> > Is there a way with the current iteration of SQLAlchemy to add a
> > column to the association table in a many-to-many relationship with
> > that column used to order the join? I looked at the order_by attribute
> > of the ManyToMany() relationship definition, but it seems that this is
> > expecting a string naming the column in the related entity. I'm using
> > Elixir on top of alchemy, but here are my relevant class and table
> > definitions:
> > procedure_cpt_codes = Table('procedure_cpt_codes', metadata,
> > autoload=True)
> > class CptCode(Entity):
> >    using_options(tablename='cpt_codes', autosetup=True)
> >    name = Field(Unicode)
> >    code = Field(Unicode)
> >    description= Field(Unicode)
> > class Procedure(Entity):
> >    using_options(tablename='procedures', autosetup=True)
> >    complications = OneToMany('Complication')
> >    cpt_codes = ManyToMany(
> >            'CptCode',
> >            table = procedure_cpt_codes, lazy=False,
> >            foreign_keys = lambda: [ procedure_cpt_codes.c.procedure_id,
> > procedure_cpt_codes.c.cpt_code_id ],
> >            primaryjoin = lambda: Procedure.id ==
> > procedure_cpt_codes.c.procedure_id,
> >            secondaryjoin = lambda: CptCode.id ==
> > procedure_cpt_codes.c.cpt_code_id,
> >            order_by = procedure_cpt_codes.c.cpt_codes_idx
> >    )
> >    procedure_date = Field(Date)
> > I get the following exception when run as listed:
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/
> > Extras/lib/python/PyObjC/PyObjCTools/AppHelper.py", line 235, in
> > runEventLoop
> >     main(argv)
> >   File "/Users/tswall/Documents/workspace/Cocoa/python/Epdb/build/
> > Debug/Epdb.app/Contents/Resources/MyController.py", line 15, in
> > buttonPushed_
> >     for instance in Patient.query.all():
> >   File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/Elixir-0.6.1-py2.5.egg/
> > elixir/entity.py", line 641, in __get__
> >     elixir.setup_all()
> >   File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/Elixir-0.6.1-py2.5.egg/
> > elixir/__init__.py", line 145, in setup_all
> >   File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/Elixir-0.6.1-py2.5.egg/
> > elixir/entity.py", line 816, in setup_entities
> >     method()
> >   File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/Elixir-0.6.1-py2.5.egg/
> > elixir/entity.py", line 421, in setup_properties
> >     self.call_builders('create_properties')
> >   File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/Elixir-0.6.1-py2.5.egg/
> > elixir/entity.py", line 433, in call_builders
> >     getattr(builder, what)()
> >   File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/Elixir-0.6.1-py2.5.egg/
> > elixir/relationships.py", line 417, in create_properties
> >     self.target._descriptor.translate_order_by(kwargs['order_by'])
> >   File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/Elixir-0.6.1-py2.5.egg/
> > elixir/entity.py", line 322, in translate_order_by
> >     for colname in order_by:
> > TypeError: 'Column' object is not iterable
> > When I change the order_by above to
> >   order_by = 'procedure_cpt_codes.c.cpt_codes_idx' #or 'cpt_codes_idx'
> > I get an error that it can't find column 'cpt_codes_idx' on relation
> > table 'CptCode'.
> > Any advice would be appreciated!
> > Scott
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