You could try changing your _limit tuple to a property on the class
that returns the tuple you want.

For example:

class Result(object):

  def get_limit(self):
    return (self.upper, self.lower, self.nominal)
  _limit = property(get_limit)

Is this what you were looking for?

Stephen Emslie

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 1:01 AM, batraone <> wrote:
> Hi,
>    I'm just starting to use SQLAlchemy and hit a roadblock.
> I have a class Result which contains a tuple called _limits.
> _limits = (Upper value, lower value, nominal)
> I would like to map a the table's columns directly into this tuple.
> From the documentation, all I can see is columns mapping directly to
> python attributes (I.e. Result.upper_value, Result.lower_value,..).
> Is there a way to map the three columns directly into the tuple?
> I do not want to modify the Result class and therefore cannot
> create it as composite column type.
> I'm hoping there is a syntax that states "map these 3 columns" into
> this tuple via the mapper.
> Thanks,
> Raj
> >

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