I don't see anything wrong with your model and no it shouldn't matter that
watersheds.name is not a primary key.     expand upon the meaning of "not
effective" here.

Damien wrote:
> Hello list,
> I need some advice on setting a one-to-many join in my particular case
> (non-normalized db model)
> I have the following situation:
> - 2 tables with a 1..n join - note: the references table field is not
> a primary key (I have to work on a non-normalized model, that's life)
> - I need to setup a 1..n in sa
> - I used the many-to-one relationship exmaple to get inspired:
> http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/05/mappers.html#many-to-one
> My problem is:
> - the join is not effective
> - I wonder if it is due to the fact that my referenced table column is
> not a primary key?
> Here is my model:
> from pylons import config
> from sqlalchemy import Column, MetaData, Table, types
> from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, relation
> from sqlalchemy.schema import ForeignKey
> from mapfish.sqlalchemygeom import Geometry
> from mapfish.sqlalchemygeom import GeometryTableMixIn
> #from edric_hydro.model.checkpoints import Checkpoint
> watersheds_table = Table(
>     'bv_hydrosuisse',
>     MetaData(config['pylons.g'].sa_edric_hydro_engine),
>     Column('the_geom', Geometry(900913)),
>     Column('name', types.String(50)),
>     autoload=True)
> class Watershed(GeometryTableMixIn):
>     # for GeometryTableMixIn to do its job the __table__ property
>     # must be set here
>     __table__ = watersheds_table
> checkpoints_table = Table(
>     'jonctions',
>     MetaData(config['pylons.g'].sa_edric_hydro_engine),
>     Column('the_geom', Geometry(900913)),
>     Column('name', types.String(50), ForeignKey
> (watersheds_table.c.name)), # maybe watershed.id
>     autoload=True)
> class Checkpoint(GeometryTableMixIn):
>     # for GeometryTableMixIn to do its job the __table__ property
>     # must be set here
>     __table__ = checkpoints_table
> mapper(Checkpoint, checkpoints_table)
> mapper(Watershed, watersheds_table, properties={
>     #'checkpoint': relation(Checkpoint)
>     'checkpoint': relation(Checkpoint, backref='bv_hydrosuissedsads')
> })
> from pylons import config
> from sqlalchemy import MetaData
> from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker
> Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker())
> >

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