
I am using Elixir that based on SQLAlchemy to do some query like this:

onAirs = db.session.query(model.OnAir.user_id).subquery()
sites = db.session.query(model.Site).filter(model.Site.user_id.in_

But it act not exactly like what I think. I got a syntax error:

ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) (1064, "You have an error in your
SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server
version for the right syntax to use near 'SELECT on_air.user_id \nFROM
on_air' at line 4") u'SELECT site.user_id AS site_user_id, site.title
AS site_title, site.brief AS site_brief, site.description AS
site_description, site.visited AS site_visited, site.listened AS
site_listened, site.language AS site_language \nFROM site, (SELECT
on_air.user_id AS user_id \nFROM on_air) AS anon_1 \nWHERE
site.user_id = SELECT on_air.user_id \nFROM on_air' []

Well... it obviously, there is lack of parentheses. If I rewrite the
query syntax with parentheses, everything works fine.

SELECT site.user_id AS site_user_id, site.title AS site_title,
site.brief AS site_brief, site.description AS site_description,
site.visited AS site_visited, site.listened AS site_listened,
site.language AS site_language \nFROM site, (SELECT on_air.user_id AS
user_id \nFROM on_air) AS anon_1 \nWHERE site.user_id = (SELECT
on_air.user_id \nFROM on_air)

It does'nt make sense why SQLAlchemy did't put parentheses around
subquery? Is that a bug? What should I do to solve this problem?

Victor Lin.
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