you never need any columns in the "columns" clause of a SELECT to  
control filtering/ordering of rows.  place the criterion you'd like in  
the ORDER BY.  query.order_by(func.sum(colname))

On Mar 21, 2009, at 9:01 AM, Victor Lin wrote:

> Hi,
> I got some query like this:
>        sites = db.session.query(model.Site, func.sum
> (model.ProxyOnAir.listeners).label('listeners')).\
>            join(model.OnAir).\
>            outerjoin(model.ProxyOnAir).\
>            group_by(model.Site.user_id).\
>            order_by('listeners')
> The only column I needed is Site, but however, I also need the sum of
> listeners to sort sites. The result will be
> [
> (Site, listeners),
> (Site, listeners),
> (Site, listeners),
> ...
> ]
> I know I can handle it like this:
> map(lambda x: x[0], result)
> But if I do that, I can't use result[:limit] which imply LIMIT syntax.
> So my question is, how can I exclude some columns that I don't need? I
> want the result be a list like this [Site, Site, Site, ...]
> Thanks.
> Victor Lin.
> >

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