theres three layers to this issue.   the first is, yes as_scalar() is  
trying to compile the expression which I don't think there's a very  
good reason, so ill likely commit a change for that (it will result in  
a behavioral change regarding the namespace of "someselect.c" but im  
hoping not one anyone was relying upon that).   the second layer is,  
if you're casting against  a constant value like below, or a column on  
the Order class, you don't need the select() - just say  
cast(...).label('foo') - however, convenient operations like "print  
query" still wont work since they evaulate the cast() without a  
dialect.  the third is, the whole "cast can't compile without a  
dialect" thing is going away in 0.6, but I can't make it work in 0.5  
without major changes.

One particular workaround that would totally eliminate the issue until  
0.6 comes out would be to use the dialect-specific type for now, i.e.  
MSNumeric (mysql), PGNumeric (postgres), SLNumeric (sqlite).

On Mar 22, 2009, at 6:27 AM, Shawn Church wrote:

> >>> import sqlalchemy
>     >>> sqlalchemy.__version__
>     '0.5.2'
>     >>> from sqlalchemy import *
>     >>> from sqlalchemy.orm import relation, column_property,  
> sessionmaker
>     >>> from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
>     >>> Base = declarative_base()
>     >>> Session = sessionmaker()
>     >>> class Order(Base):
>     ...    __tablename__ = "orders"
>     ...
>     ...    id = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
>     ...
>     ...    test = column_property(select([cast(1,  
> Numeric(14,2))]).label("test"))

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