Actually there was a type-o in my mapper I had:

'LatestNote':relation(Note,secondary=recent_notes ....

when it should have been:
'LatestNote':relation(Note,secondary=recent_task_notes ....

No correlate(None) needed. As a side note adding correlate(None) caused 
the relation to function when lazy loaded, but to fail when eagerloaded 
as part of a larger query against the task table.

Again thank you.

David Gardner wrote:
> Thats it! Thank you so much, I turned on the echo, and the SQL looks 
> exactly as I expected.
> Michael Bayer wrote:
>> you've got " AS id" sneaking into your first subquery.  this is
>> because your recent_task_notes is selecting it.  if you mean for "notes"
>> to be in the FROM clause of that query, add correlate(None) to that
>> subquery.
>> David Gardner wrote:
>>> So I attempted to implement this, and I think I got perty close but
>>> ended up getting stuck on trying to get the mapper working. Using SA
>>> 0.5.2 w/ psycopg2  2.0.9.
>>> First I worked out the SQL for what I wanted and got this :
>>> SELECT * FROM task
>>> JOIN
>>> ( SELECT note_task.task_name, note_task.task_asset,note.*
>>>   FROM note_task JOIN
>>>   (SELECT asset, MAX(updated) AS recent
>>>    FROM note
>>>    GROUP BY asset
>>>   ) AS latest ON (note_task.task_asset=latest.asset)
>>>   JOIN note ON (latest.asset=note.asset AND latest.recent=note.updated)
>>>   WHERE
>>> ) AS latest_note ON (task.asset=latest_note.asset AND
>>> AND task.asset='16307499967233846625';
>>> Keep in mind task has a composite primary key of (name,asset), and asset
>>> is a foreign key onto asset, and the note table also has a foreign key
>>> onto asset.
>>> Not all notes on an asset are related to tasks.
>>> Then I wrote two selects:
>>> recent_notes = select([func.max(note_table.c.updated).label('updated'),
>>> note_table.c.asset]).group_by(note_table.c.asset).alias()
>>> recent_task_notes = select([note_task_table.c.task_asset,
>>> note_task_table.c.task_name,]).\
>>> where(and_(recent_notes.c.asset==note_task_table.c.task_asset,
>>> note_table.c.updated==recent_notes.c.updated)).alias()
>>> When I do:
>>> db.echo=True
>>> db.execute(recent_task_notes).fetchone()
>>> The SQL and the result look good:
>>> 2009-03-24 13:31:01,254 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...d410
>>> SELECT note_task.task_asset, note_task.task_name,
>>> FROM note_task, note, (SELECT max(note.updated) AS updated, note.asset
>>> AS asset
>>> FROM note GROUP BY note.asset) AS anon_1
>>> WHERE anon_1.asset = note_task.task_asset AND note_task.note =
>>> AND note.updated = anon_1.updated
>>> My mapper for Task and Notes now looks like:
>>> mapper(Task,task_table, properties={
>>>        'Notes':relation(Note,secondary=note_task_table,
>>> order_by=note_table.c.updated.desc(), backref='Tasks'),
>>>        'LatestNote':relation(Note,secondary=recent_notes,
>>> primaryjoin=and_(,task_table.c.asset==recent_task_notes.c.task_asset),
>>> foreign_keys=[recent_task_notes.c.task_name,recent_task_notes.c.task_asset,
>>>        'State':relation(TaskState),
>>>        'Group':relation(Group, lazy=True)},
>>>         save_on_init=False)
>>> mapper(Note, note_table, polymorphic_on=note_table.c.type,
>>> polymorphic_identity='note', properties={
>>>              'Tags':relation(Tag, backref='Notes',
>>> secondary=note_tags_table, order_by=note_tags_table.c.tag)},
>>>               save_on_init=False)
>>> mapper(EditorialNote, editorial_note_table, inherits=Note,
>>> polymorphic_identity='editorial', save_on_init=False)
>>> mapper(JobNote, job_note_table, inherits=Note,
>>> polymorphic_identity='job', save_on_init=False)
>>> So When I try it out I get:
>>>  >>> session=create_session()
>>>  >>> t=session.query(Task).get(('28510740454639751607','Model'))
>>>  >>> t.LatestNote
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>>>   File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sqlalchemy/orm/",
>>> line 159, in __get__
>>>     return self.impl.get(instance_state(instance))
>>>   File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sqlalchemy/orm/",
>>> line 375, in get
>>>     value = callable_()
>>>   File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sqlalchemy/orm/",
>>> line 589, in __call__
>>>     result = q.all()
>>>   File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sqlalchemy/orm/", line
>>> 1186, in all
>>>     return list(self)
>>>   File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sqlalchemy/orm/", line
>>> 1280, in __iter__
>>>     return self._execute_and_instances(context)
>>>   File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sqlalchemy/orm/", line
>>> 1283, in _execute_and_instances
>>>     result = self.session.execute(querycontext.statement,
>>> params=self._params, mapper=self._mapper_zero_or_none())
>>>   File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sqlalchemy/orm/",
>>> line 755, in execute
>>>     clause, params or {})
>>>   File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sqlalchemy/engine/",
>>> line 824, in execute
>>>     return Connection.executors[c](self, object, multiparams, params)
>>>   File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sqlalchemy/engine/",
>>> line 874, in _execute_clauseelement
>>>     return self.__execute_context(context)
>>>   File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sqlalchemy/engine/",
>>> line 896, in __execute_context
>>>     self._cursor_execute(context.cursor, context.statement,
>>> context.parameters[0], context=context)
>>>   File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sqlalchemy/engine/",
>>> line 950, in _cursor_execute
>>>     self._handle_dbapi_exception(e, statement, parameters, cursor,
>>> context)
>>>   File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sqlalchemy/engine/",
>>> line 931, in _handle_dbapi_exception
>>>     raise exc.DBAPIError.instance(statement, parameters, e,
>>> connection_invalidated=is_disconnect)
>>> sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) subquery in FROM
>>> cannot refer to other relations of same query level
>>>  'SELECT AS note_id, note.updated AS note_updated, note.created
>>> AS note_created, AS note_author, note.note AS note_note,
>>> note.asset AS note_asset, note.type AS note_type \nFROM note, (SELECT
>>> note_task.task_asset AS task_asset, note_task.task_name AS task_name,
>>> AS id \nFROM note_task, (SELECT max(note.updated) AS updated,
>>> note.asset AS asset \nFROM note GROUP BY note.asset) AS anon_1 \nWHERE
>>> anon_1.asset = note_task.task_asset AND note_task.note = AND
>>> note.updated = anon_1.updated) AS anon_2 \nWHERE %(param_1)s =
>>> anon_2.task_name AND %(param_2)s = anon_2.task_asset AND =
>>>' {'param_1': 'Model', 'param_2': '28510740454639751607'}
>>> Michael Bayer wrote:
>>>> the "relational" way to do this is to select the note with a date
>>>> matching the most recent date in the view of notes.   you can perhaps
>>>> also make a viewonly relation() that selects something similar, like:
>>>> recent_notes =
>>>> select([func.max(note_table.c.updated).label('updated'),
>>>> note_task_table.c.task_id]).\
>>>>      where(\
>>>>          group_by(note_task_table.c.task_id)
>>>>      'notes':
>>>>      relation(Note,
>>>>          secondary=recent_notes,
>>>>          secondaryjoin=note_table.c.updated==recent_notes.c.updated,
>>>>          foreign_keys=list(recent_notes.c),
>>>>          viewonly=True)
>>>> you can of course issue this kind of SQL more manually using query and
>>>> contains_eager().
>>>> I think there might be some way to work this using  a subquery with
>>>> LIMIT as well, which probably runs a lot faster in MySQL, but that
>>>> doesn't occur to me as naturally.
>>>> On Mar 23, 2009, at 9:02 PM, David Gardner wrote:
>>>>> I have a simple many to many relationship between two objects: Task
>>>>> and
>>>>> Note, where notes are ordered by a timestamp column most recent first.
>>>>> About 90% of the time what I really want to do is eagerload only the
>>>>> most recent note, is there a way to do this in the mapper?
>>>>> My mapper for Task looks like this:
>>>>> mapper(Task,task_table, properties={
>>>>>       'Notes':relation(Note,secondary=note_task_table,
>>>>> order_by=note_table.c.updated.desc(), backref='Tasks'),
>>>>>       'State':relation(TaskState),
>>>>>       'Group':relation(Group, lazy=True)},
>>>>>        save_on_init=False)
>>>>> Usually my code ends up looking like:
>>>>> tasks
>>>>> =
>>>>> session
>>>>> .query
>>>>> (Task
>>>>> ).filter
>>>>> (Task.assigned_to=='dgardner').options(eagerload(Task.Notes)).all()
>>>>>>>> for task in tasks:
>>>>> ...     if len(task.Notes):
>>>>> ...         latest_note=task.Notes[0]
>>>>> --
>>>>> David Gardner
>>>>> Pipeline Tools Programmer, "Sid the Science Kid"
>>>>> Jim Henson Creature Shop
>>> --
>>> David Gardner
>>> Pipeline Tools Programmer, "Sid the Science Kid"
>>> Jim Henson Creature Shop
> -- 
> David Gardner
> Pipeline Tools Programmer, "Sid the Science Kid"
> Jim Henson Creature Shop
> >

David Gardner
Pipeline Tools Programmer, "Sid the Science Kid"
Jim Henson Creature Shop

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