
I am using sqlalchemy for a while in a project.
The project has lots of models like User:
from mcmodel import MCModel

Base = declarative_base()

class User(MCModel, Base):
    __tablename__ = 'users'

    id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = sa.Column(sa.Unicode(12))
    fullname = sa.Column(sa.Unicode(40))
    password = sa.Column(sa.Unicode(20))
    active = sa.Column(sa.Boolean())
    type = sa.Column(sa.SmallInteger())
    note = sa.Column(sa.Text())
    date_created = sa.Column(sa.Date())
All of these models inherit from MCModel (nothing doing special).

I want to save all the changes done to a user in a seperate db table
like "_hist_users".
The new inserts do not need to be in the hist table.
When a user is updated, the old data of the user will be copied to the
hist table with a column declaring this is an update operation.
When a user is deleted, the old data of the user will be moved to the
hist table with a column declaring this is a delete operation.
With these operations, it is possible to know who modified what and

How can i achieve in this?
By modifying the MCModel to enable all the models aware of history
Or using class sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces.MapperExtension.after_update
methods? (i do not know how)
Or anything else?

Thanks in advance.


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