most are described here:

Marcin Krol wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> For the life of me I can't find it in the docs: what operators are
> available for querying many to many relations?
> ORM tutorial shows literally 1 example of 'any' operator
> (BlogPost.keywords.any), which I used successfully, but would like to
> know all the operators I can use for querying many to many rels.
> dir(BlogPost.keywords) is no good:
> (snip internal methods)
> '_yield_per', 'add_column', 'add_entity', 'all', 'autoflush',
> 'correlate', 'count', 'delete', 'distinct', 'enable_eagerloads',
> 'except_', 'except_all', 'filter', 'filter_by', 'first', 'from_self',
> 'from_statement', 'get', 'group_by', 'having', 'instances', 'intersect',
> 'intersect_all', 'iterate_instances', 'join', 'limit', 'logger',
> 'offset', 'one', 'options', 'order_by', 'outerjoin', 'params',
> 'populate_existing', 'query_from_parent', 'reset_joinpoint', 'scalar',
> 'select_from', 'session', 'slice', 'statement', 'subquery', 'union',
> 'union_all', 'update', 'value', 'values', 'whereclause', 'with_labels',
> 'with_lockmode', 'with_parent', 'with_polymorphic', 'yield_per']
> Regards,
> mk
> >

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