jean-philippe dutreve wrote:
> Hi all,
> I wonder if SA can handle this use case:
> An Account can contain Entries ordered by 'position' attribute.
> mapper(Account, table_accounts, properties = dict(
>     entries = relation(Entry, lazy=True, collection_class=ordering_list
> ('position'),
>         order_by=[table_entries.c.position],
>         passive_deletes='all', cascade='save-update',
>         backref=backref('account', lazy=False),
>     ),
> ))
> I'd like to move an entry from accountA to accountB and let SA remove
> the link between the entry and accountA:
>     entry = accountA.entries[0]
>     insort_right(accountB.entries, entry)
>     assert not entry in accountA.entries    # false, entry is still in
> accountA !!!!
> It is possible?

Try removing the entry from accountA:

     entry = accountA.pop(0)

Also beware that bisect insort has a bug that prevents it from working 
properly with list subclasses like ordering_list (or any SA list-based 
collection).  I think it's fixed in Python 3.0, not sure if the fix was 
backported to 2.x.

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