On Apr 5, 2009, at 3:34 PM, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

> Michael Bayer schrieb:
>> the close() will remove any objects left in the session and may  
>> help with
>> unit tests in that the subsequent tests aren't interfered with by  
>> objects
>> remaining from the previous test.
> Where is the difference between a process running several tests and  
> one
> answering several http requests via mod_wsgi?
> The code to set up the session is this:
> DBSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker(
>     autoflush=True,
>     autocommit=False,
>     ))
> Then code running DB-stuff is wrapped into begin/(commit/rollback)  
> via a
> decorator. This is the same for my tests as well as the production  
> system.
> So if the close() is needed for tests, I presume it's needed for the
> production code as well?

not at all, when you commit/rollback, everything in the session is  
expired (assuming you're on 0.5).    Doing a remove() at the end of a  
request is a good way to ensure nothing is around from the previous  
request but in theory its not needed.   But again, I've no idea what  
TG does in this regard.

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