Tried that already, I get an error:

InterfaceError: (InterfaceError) Error binding parameter 1 - probably
unsupported type. u 'INSERT INTO emails (address, user) VALUES
(?, ?)' ['', <__main__.User object at 0x92edcec>]

or I get a ProgrammingError that says something like 'cant adapt...'

PS: I am interested in the non-declarative style

On Apr 6, 7:44 pm, "Michael Bayer" <> wrote:
> Kashif wrote:
> > Hi,
> >  I have tried all kinds of tutorials, but I cant get two simple tables
> > mapped.
> pretty much this exact example is present in *the* tutorial which is the
> ORM tutorial at
> > Here are the tables:
> > class User(object):
> >     def __init__(self,username,password):
> >          self.username = username
> >          self.password = password
> > class Email(object):
> >     def __init__(self, address, user):
> >          self.address = address
> >          self.user = user
> > All I wish to accomplish is the following:
> > tom_user  = User("tom","passy")
> > tom_email = Email("", tom_user)
> > session.add(tom_user)
> > session.add(tom_email)
> > session.commit()
> > But this doesnt work, can someone flesh out the tables and the mapping
> > for me so I know what I am doing wrong.
> > Thanks
> > Kashif
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