I'm trying to use SQLAlchemy's executemany syntax in PostgreSQL and
get the last_inserted_ids().
What is the recommended way to get these last_inserted_ids()?

I know that I can access the id attribute for each model instance but
there are hundreds of inserted rows and I would rather retrieve them
all at once.


>> names = ['ted', 'steve', 'mike']

>> result = meta.Session.execute(model.names_table.insert(), [{'name': x} for x 
>> in names])

>> result.last_inserted_ids()
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 35, in exec_expr
    exec code in self.namespace, self.globs
  File "<web>", line 1, in <module>
line 1560, in last_inserted_ids
    return self.context.last_inserted_ids()
line 284, in last_inserted_ids
    return self._last_inserted_ids
AttributeError: 'PGExecutionContext' object has no attribute

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