i would bundle them into one... but would probably split on another 
level. adding items to a user may well be "posessions"... so it 
depends. That might well be a model of User with related stuff, which 
is mapped to database in another way (one2many or Relator object/m2m 
or whatever), and is shown in UI in yet another way.

or, using your examples, str.to_int is same as int.from_str and can be 
implemented anywhere in _one_ place - and reachable from whereever, 
but they belong to another concept: conversion. So if it goes 
extremely OO, it would be convertor.str( something). pythonwise the 
convertor is the default namespace - so u get len(), int(), str() etc 
various protocols.

And anyway, all these "Dogmas" are just ways to do it. None matches 
reality in_principle. One has to match the complexity of the _model_ 
with the complexity and importance of the task/concept. As long as 
you're consistent, use whatever u like / is suited better - but 
always think of someone else reading it after one year (it can well 
be you but in quite diff.mindset).


On Monday 13 April 2009 17:59:46 Nebur wrote:
> A good question. I think we agree that both ways can work well...
> Usually, I do prefer the "less OO" style. In your example, a pure
> mapping class and business logic in a user manager.
> The main reason is that what you call "OO style" seems to enforce a
> lot of arbitrary decisions.
> For example, when you bind an EMail object instance to a User
> object instance.
> Where to put the addXXX() method - into the User, or into the EMail
> ? (I see that ugly question appear repeatedly, e.g. in the language
> design. Do we want str.to_int() or Str.from_int() or int.to_str()
> ... etc...)
> Also notice that the "OO style" is not necessarily a pythonic style
> (which may also be desirable).
> Let's look out for examples:
> Python design prefers even to use a global len() function instead
> of str.len() etc. (hm, I don't like especially that case, but I
> think GvR also may have had its good considerations.) Or consider
> sqlalchemy-ORM where most functionality is in the orm-session.
> Other orms (SqlObject etc.) prefer to put methods into the mapped
> classes (i.e."Active Records").
> The sqlalchemy design may also have other reasons (e.g.unit-of-work
> is wanted). But indepently from collecting actions in a
> unit-of-work, the design with methods in the session -not in the
> objects- feels well. (Sadly, this is more gut feeling than
> rational.)
> I think these design question is fundamental, and a lot of gurus
> already have written about OO for decades now.  Should there really
> be no guru article, and no forum discussion about that ?? I'd also
> appreciate anyone showing me what knowledge already exists here.

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