On Apr 15, 2009, at 6:43 PM, thatsanicehatyouh...@mac.com wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a question about SQLAlchemy (well, I have a lot of questions,
> but I'll try to space them out a bit!). I'm very new to it (and
> python) but not databases and ORMs.
> I like that I can use reflection to define tables, and I really want
> to use that since I don't want to update python classes when I modify
> a table. I am defining my table like this:
> metadata = MetaData()
> metadata.bind = engine
> platesTable = Table('plate', metadata, autoload=True)
> Next, I want to map my plate table to a lookup table:
> surveyTable = Table('survey', metadata)
> x = sql.join(platesTable, surveyTable, platesTable.c.survey_pk ==
> surveyTable.c.pk)
> mapper(??plate class??, x, properties={'pk':[platesTable.c.survey_pk,
> surveyTable.c.pk]})
> The problem is that I don't know what to put in for the plate class
> since I used reflection and haven't defined one. Does this mean that I
> have to define the class by hand and can't have it done automatically?
> Can the autoload figure these relationships out?
> Thanks in advance for any help!

the minimal class definition would be :

class PlateClass(object):

if you like, its easy enough to make a mapper function which does  
something like this:

def map_my_table(tablename, metadata):
    table = Table(tablename, metadata, autoload=True)
    cls = type.__new__(type, tablename, (object,), {})
    mapper(cls, table)
    return cls

usage would be like:

my_class = map_my_table('mytable', metadata)

x = my_class()

next - there is an extension provided with SQLAlchemy called SQLSoup  
which already does something very similar to this.    The  
documentation is on the site and while the classes it produces have  
limited capabilities, it does allow you to work with the ORM Query  
object without needing to define any of your own classes.   

next again - theres a recipe on the wiki called AutoCode which I  
believe some people are using to generate classes...hmm apparently its  
become its own project:  http://code.google.com/p/sqlautocode/

finally, I would most recommend the declarative package, which can  
make usage of autoloaded tables as well.  Usage would be like:

Base = declarative_base()

class MyClass(Base):
     __table__ = Table('mytable', metadata, autoload=True)

but that might be more explicit than you had in mind.

I would also note that your map to a join of two tables may be better  
suited to using joined table inheritance.  If it fits your model,  
SQLAlchemy can make much better decisions knowing its doing joined  
table inheritance, as opposed to a map to an arbitrary join.  docs for  
that are at 

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