OK, thanks,

it does work if you make an alias on the select like this:
s = select([left.c.car_id,
           whereclause=and_(left.c.side == 'left',
                            right.c.side == 'right')).alias('carside')

Thanks a lot!

Now, is it really needed to translate my SQL query first to SA-speak
or could I use the SQL directly in some way? (I have many old projects
with SQL embedded in Perl scripts, so it would be someway easier is I
can transfer the SQL directly).

>From session.query() there is something like from_statement
(SQL_string) but that won't work here I think.

Again, many thanks,


On Apr 17, 2:43 pm, "King Simon-NFHD78" <simon.k...@motorola.com>
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com
> > [mailto:sqlalch...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of JanW
> > Sent: 17 April 2009 13:18
> > To: sqlalchemy
> > Subject: [sqlalchemy] mapping class against arbitrary SQL expression
> > Hi,
> > is there a way to map a class against an arbitrary SQL expression
> > (read-only would be OK)? I can't find the correct way to define the
> > selectable for the mapper.
> > Example:
> > this table:
> > carside_table = Table(
> >     'carside', metadata,
> >     Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
> >     Column('car_id', Integer),
> >     Column('side', Text),
> >     Column('temperature', Float),
> > )
> > with a dummy class;
> > class CarSide(object):
> >     pass
> > And I want to use this SQL expression to map the class:
> >     left.car_id
> >     left.temperature AS left_temperature
> >     right.temperature AS right_temperature
> > FROM carside AS left
> > JOIN carside AS right
> >     ON left.car_id=right.car_id
> >     left.side = "left" AND
> >     right.side = "right"
> > ;
> > Many thanks,
> > Jan.
> I think the approach should look something like this:
> #-----------------------------------------------
> from sqlalchemy import *
> from sqlalchemy import orm
> metadata = MetaData()
> carside_table = Table(
>     'carside', metadata,
>     Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>     Column('car_id', Integer),
>     Column('side', Text),
>     Column('temperature', Float),
> )
> left = carside_table.alias('left')
> right = carside_table.alias('right')
> tables = left.join(right, left.c.car_id == right.c.car_id)
> s = select([left.c.car_id,
>             left.c.temperature.label('left_temperature'),
>             right.c.temperature.label('right_temperature')],
>            from_obj=tables,
>            whereclause=and_(left.c.side == 'left',
>                             right.c.side == 'right'))
> class CarSide(object):
>     pass
> orm.mapper(CarSide, s, primary_key=[s.c.car_id])
> #-----------------------------------------------
> ...but it fails on the last line with the message "Mapper
> Mapper|CarSide|%(3069523404 anon)s could not assemble any primary key
> columns for mapped table '%(3069523404 anon)s'". I had hoped that
> passing the primary_key parameter to mapper would have solved that, but
> it doesn't. I'm not sure why.
> Simon
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