Hi Newbie here,
If, using the declarative style of classes, I want to create my tables
separately from actually populating them. I thought I would use
something similar to the following:

from sqlalchemy import *
import time
from datetime import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

class CST_LEVEL(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'CST_LEVEL'

    REFNO = Column(String(length=10), primary_key=True)
    CODE = Column(String(length=10))
    DESCRIPT = Column(String(length=60))
    def __init__(self, \
        REFNO="", \
        CODE="", \
            self.REFNO = REFNO
            self.CODE = CODE
            self.DESCRIPT = DESCRIPT

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///tutorial.db', echo=False)
metadata = MetaData()
Base = declarative_base()

But this doesn't work I guess because the class never gets
instantiated. If I instantiate the class with x = CST_LEVEL() then I
would create a blank record as a by-product. How do you create the
tables, without records, using the declarative syntax?

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