
Thanks for taking a peek at this!

My connection string looks like: 'mssql://user:p...@server/db?

where FreeTDS_82 is defined in my odbcinst.ini, and MyServer is
defined in my freetds.conf.

I've tried 'tds version = 8.0' and 'tds version = 7.0' in my
freetds.conf, but still see the same behavior.  I'm fairly certain
both config files are being read correctly.

Using FreeTDS 0.82, I see the exception as reported.  Using FreeTDS
0.63, I see a slightly different exception:

    raise exc.DBAPIError.instance(statement, parameters, e,
    DBAPIError: (Error) ('HY000', 'The driver did not supply an
error!') 'INSERT INTO activities (institution, application_id) VALUES
(?, ?); select scope_identity()' ['UMass', 1]

and the FreeTDS log includes:

    17:28:26.864001 tds_submit_query(): state is PENDING
    17:28:26.864015 tds_client_msg: #20019: "Attempt to initiate a new
SQL Server operation with results pending.".  Connection state is now

which suggests to me the same problem, just being caught in a
different place.

I should also mention that simpler tests (e.g., using the ORM to save
an object with no relations) do succeed.


On Apr 27, 12:18 pm, Lukasz Szybalski <> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 10:01 AM, Tom Wood <> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > Am having a problem with SQLAlchemy 0.5.3 and MSSQL.  Running on a
> > Debian stack, using FreeTDS 0.82, pyodbc 2.1.4, Python 2.5 and
> > (separately) SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005.
> > The (nose) test below fails with the exception:
> > ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) ('24000', '[24000] [FreeTDS][SQL
> > Server]Invalid cursor state (0) (SQLExecDirectW)') 'INSERT INTO
> > activities (institution, application_id) VALUES (?, ?); select
> > scope_identity()' ['UMass', 1]
> > Complete stack can be found below.
> > I'd love to hear from anyone running under a comparable configuration--
> > whether you see the same results or not! :-)
> > FYI: The test succeeds using SQLAlchemy 0.5.0rc3, but fails with every
> > subsequent release.  It also passes running against a sqllite db.
> > Thanks very much.
> > Tom Wood
> > University of Connecticut
> > # begin test code
> > import sqlalchemy as sa
> > from sqlalchemy import orm
> > conn = 'mssql://<insert your string here>'
> > engine = sa.create_engine(conn)
> I'm not sure if I can help but if we could start with the basics and
> find out what version of tds are you using and how are you connecting?
> 1. Are you using dsn-less or dsn connection string? �...@dsn ?
> 2. What tds version have you set in 
> /etc/freetds/tds.dsn.template
> Have you tried setting it to tds version 8.0?
> Thanks,
> Lucas
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