
How can I use Declarative to create self-referencing stuff?  I'm trying 
without success to create the tree example (Node with Node.parent and 
Node.children) in declarative.

The basic table is:

class Node(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'nodes'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
    parent_id = Column('parent', Integer, ForeignKey('nodes.id'))

Now I'm struggling with how to add a relation so that I can use 
mynode.parent and mynode.children.

I've tried 
parent = relation(      
        'Node', backref=backref('children', remote_side=[Node.id]))
and various variants but always ended up with an exception (different ones 
for various cases.)

I guess I have to use remote_side somehow but I couldn't figure how.

-- vbi

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