try taking a look at your SQL output.  the issue is pretty obvious,  
the join condition between your two tables is insufficient to get a  
T22 row. has two rows with "0" for the "id" column, so  
joining from table_2 to table_22 on just "id" gives you two rows.  it  
has nothing to do with the relation() or anything else.

On May 18, 2009, at 3:59 PM, fleong wrote:

> from sqlalchemy import *
> from sqlalchemy.orm import *
> engine = create_engine('sqlite:///',echo = True)
> metadata = MetaData()
> table_1 =  \
> Table(
>    'table_1', metadata,
>    Column('id', Integer, primary_key = True),
> )
> table_2 = \
> Table(
>    'table_2', metadata,
>    Column('id', Integer, primary_key = True),
>    Column('id2', Integer, primary_key = True),
>    Column('type', Integer, nullable = False),
>    ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'],[''])
> )
> table_21 = \
> Table(
>    'table_21', metadata,
>    Column('id', Integer, primary_key = True),
>    Column('id2', Integer, primary_key = True),
>    Column('info', String),
>    ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'],['']),
> )
> table_22 = \
> Table(
>    'table_22', metadata,
>    Column('id', Integer, primary_key = True),
>    Column('id2', Integer, primary_key = True),
>    Column('ext', Integer, primary_key = True),
>    Column('info', String),
>    ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'],['']),
>    ForeignKeyConstraint(['ext'],[''])
> )
> table_ex22 = \
> Table(
>    'table_ex22', metadata,
>    Column('id', Integer, primary_key = True),
> )
> class Table1(object):
>    pass
> class Table2(object):
>    pass
> class Table21(Table2):
>    pass
> class Table22(Table2):
>    pass
> class TableEx22(object):
>    pass
> mapper(Table1, table_1,
>       properties = {\
>       't2': relation(Table2, backref = 't1', cascade = 'all, delete,
> delete-orphan', passive_updates = False, passive_deletes = False),
>       }
> )
> mapper(TableEx22, table_ex22,
>       properties = {\
>       't22': relation(Table22, backref = 'tex', cascade = 'all,
> delete, delete-orphan', passive_updates =False, passive_deletes =
> False),
>       }
> )
> mapper(Table2, table_2, polymorphic_on=table_2.c.type,
> polymorphic_identity=0)
> mapper(Table21, table_21, inherits=Table2, polymorphic_identity=1)
> mapper(Table22, table_22, inherits=Table2, polymorphic_identity=2)
> Session = sessionmaker()
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #test:
> metadata.bind = engine
> metadata.create_all()
> s = Session()
> t = Table1()
> = 0
> tex = TableEx22()
> = 0
> s.add(t)
> s.add(tex)
> s.commit()
> t21 = Table21()
> t21.id2 = 0
> t21.t1 = t
> s.add(t21)
> s.commit()
> t22 = Table22()
> t22.id2 = 1
> t22.t1 = t
> t22.tex = tex
> s.add(t22)
> s.commit()
> for i in tex.t22:
>    print type(i)

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