assuming you have a relation() from Email to HWRep:


On May 19, 2009, at 12:21 PM, Marcin Krol wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I have this and it works:
> hwrepemails = session.query(Email).join(HWRep).all()
> hwrepemailids = [ for e in hwrepemails ] 
> unassociatedusers = session.query(Email).filter(Email.projects ==
> None
> ).filter
> (not_(
> The idea is to get all emails that have no projects, but to also  
> exclude
> those emails that are associated with HWRep instances.
> Since this way of doing it requires two queries, I was wondering if
> there is a way to do it in a single query?
> Nothing comes to my mind in this regard, or I wouldn't ask here...
> Regards,
> mk
> >

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