I think I jumped the gun a bit this morning with my excitement.

The results are wrong in that they return all of the identifiers in my
names table.

species_sentences_secondary = sentences_table.join(entities_table,
and_(sentences_table.c.sentence_id == entities_table.c.sentence_id,
entities_table.c.deleted == 0 ))

print dir(species_sentences_secondary), species_sentences_secondary.c
mapper(Zone, zones_table, properties={ "species":relation(Taxa,
primaryjoin=zones_table.c.zone_id ==


is my mapper ...... ( I m sorry the naming has changed but I've been
updating my code from toy code to real app code)

a Zone has many sentences a Sentence has many entities (some of these
entities are normalised and has one row in
entities_species_normalised, which links to one Taxa)

I want to get a list of species mentioned in that Zone...........but I
just can't get it right............I have tried everything I can think
of, but I just can't see the final step to finish it off.

Many thanks in advance


2009/5/20 Nathan Harmston <iwanttobeabad...@googlemail.com>:
> The problem was solved by using a join query and then specifying both
> foreign keys and the secondary argument to the relation.
> Many thanks,
> Nathan
> secondary = sentences_table.join(tag_table.join(processed_tags_table,
> processed_tags_table.c.tag_id == tag_table.c.tag_id),
>                                sentences_table.c.sentence_id ==
> tag_table.c.sentence_id)
> mapper(Zone, zones_table, properties={
>                                      "species":relation(Name,
> primaryjoin=zones_table.c.zone_id == secondary.c.sentences_zone_id,
> foreign_keys = [ secondary.c.sentences_zone_id, names_table.c.name_id
> ],
> secondary=processed_tags_normalised_table,
>                                                            viewonly=True)
> 2009/5/19 Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com>:
>> On May 18, 2009, at 8:06 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:
>>> if you want to make a chained join like that, use just primaryjoin(),
>>> dont use "secondary", and set viewonly=True.
>> I might be off on the "dont use secondary" advice.   if you do use
>> "secondary", "secondary" is the "middle" table, so in this case it
>> seems like it would be "tags_table" and the target would be
>> "processed_tag_table".
>>> As an alternative to the above approach, you can also try using
>>> traditional relations between each class and use the association proxy
>>> to simplify access from one end to the other.
>> this advice stlll holds though (as does use viewonly=True).
>> >>

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