the behavior is a result of the fact that Oracle has no LIMIT/OFFSET
capability, and SQLAlchemy attempts to approximate this behavior, using
the recipe described at .

So the subquerying is taking effect as a necessity of that backend, unless
you want to add limit/offset to this query in a different way - since
every other element of the query is textual I would advise just using a
straight text() construct instead of a SELECT.

Tiago Becker wrote:
> I forgot, in the Ctrl+c and ctrl+v, to add that the problem only happens
> when using limit and offset with oracle dialect (sorry about that)..
> so
> self.fields = '  case field1
>              when 34 then field2
>              when 94 then field3
>              when 48 then field4
>         end another_field'
> self.from = ' table '
> self.where = ' 1 = ' //nevermind this
> sql = select(columns=[self.fields], from_obj=self.tables,
> whereclause=self.where, bind=self.engine, order_by= ' 1
> ').limit(1).offset(30)
> result:
> select
> case field1
>              when 34 then field2
>              when 94 then field3
>              when 48 then field4
>         end another_field
> from
>   (select
>   case field1
>              when 34 then field2
>              when 94 then field3
>              when 48 then field4
>         end another_field,
>         ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY  1 ) AS ora_rn
>   from
>     table
>   where
>     1 = 1)
> WHERE ora_rn>1 AND ora_rn<=30
> sorry about the mess,
> On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 2:21 PM, Michael Bayer
> <>wrote:
>> send along full reproducing test cases and that will reveal all.
>> On May 19, 2009, at 11:36 AM, Tiago Becker wrote:
>> "this indicates a None is being sent as a column somewhere."
>> I'm just not passing the order_by clause...
>> "I dont see the SQLAlchemy expression you're dealing with here.  the
>> symptom you describe is when placing a FROM object in the columns
>> clause of a SELECT, the object is also added to the FROM clause
>> automatically, unless additional steps are taken to prevent this.  A
>> CASE statement is not is not a FROM object, its a column object, so
>> this should not occur.  If you are placing a SELECT in the columns
>> clause of another SELECT, call as_scalar() on it."
>> hmm, something strange here, as i'm not passing a from object in the
>> columns...
>> im doing this:
>> self.fields = '  case field1
>>              when 34 then field2
>>              when 94 then field3
>>              when 48 then field4
>>         end another_field'
>> self.from = ' table '
>> self.where = ' 1 = ' //nevermind this
>> then:
>> sql = select(columns=[self.fields], from_obj=self.tables,
>> whereclause=self.where, bind=self.engine, order_by= ' 1 ')
>> results in
>> select
>> case field1
>>              when 34 then field2  // this is the problem... in the inner
>> select (the FROM select), field2 is not selected, so it does not exists
>>              when 94 then field3
>>              when 48 then field4
>>         end another_field
>> from
>>   (select
>>   case field1
>>              when 34 then field2
>>              when 94 then field3
>>              when 48 then field4
>>         end another_field
>>   from
>>     table
>>   where
>>     1 = 1)
>> this is can be fixed by replacing the fields in the outer join by adding
>> *,
>> as it will select all the fields in the query...
>> How do i solve this?
>> On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 12:13 PM, Michael Bayer
>> <>wrote:
>>> On May 19, 2009, at 10:39 AM, Tiago Becker wrote:
>>> > Hi.
>>> >
>>> > Im still trying to use the select object from sqlalchemy, but i
>>> > found a strange (bug or not) behavior:
>>> >
>>> > sql = select(columns=[self.fields], from_obj=self.tables,
>>> > whereclause=self.where, bind=self.req.cfg.engine, order_by= ' 1 ')
>>> >
>>> > 1) without order by, i get an error:  AttributeError: 'NoneType'
>>> > object has no attribute 'proxies'. is this intended?
>>> this indicates a None is being sent as a column somewhere.
>>> > 2) the select fails when theres a CASE instruction, like this:
>>> >
>>> >        case field1
>>> >             when 34 then field2
>>> >             when 94 then field3
>>> >             when 48 then field4
>>> >        end another_field
>>> >
>>> > It fails because sqlalchemy does a subquery, but instead of using *
>>> > (in the outer query, to bring all the fields) it just paste the same
>>> > fields from the original query, failing to get all the fields in the
>>> > case expression....
>>> I dont see the SQLAlchemy expression you're dealing with here.  the
>>> symptom you describe is when placing a FROM object in the columns
>>> clause of a SELECT, the object is also added to the FROM clause
>>> automatically, unless additional steps are taken to prevent this.  A
>>> CASE statement is not is not a FROM object, its a column object, so
>>> this should not occur.  If you are placing a SELECT in the columns
>>> clause of another SELECT, call as_scalar() on it.
>> >
> >

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