On May 27, 2009, at 12:23 PM, Nathan Harmston wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been struggling with trying to create relations which reference
> objects a couple of tables away.
> e.g
> Sentence has many entities
> Entity has many NormalisedVersion
> NormalisedVersion has one Gene
> kind of thing
> and was trying to link from Sentence to genes directly.
> secondary = entities_table.join(entities_genes_normalised_table,
> onclause
> =
> and_
> (entities_table
> .c.entity_id==entities_genes_normalised_table.c.entity_id,
> entities_table.c.deleted == 0 )).alias("fubar")
> mapper(Sentence, sentences_table, properties={ "genes":relation(Gene,
> primaryjoin=sentences_table.c.sentence_id ==
> secondary.c.entities_sentence_id,
> secondaryjoin=secondary.c.entities_genes_normalised_entrez_gene_id ==
> genes_table.c.entrez_gene_id,
> viewonly = True,
> secondary=secondary)
> I spent ages on this hacking/reading/getting frustrated and finally
> tried putting the alias call on the end of the secondary join, which
> makes it work perfectly.
> Without it calling sentence.genes gives me all of the genes found in
> all of the sentences. So my question is really ... why does this work?
> What effect does the alias have?

the alias has the effect of converting the join expression to a fully  
parenthesized subquery with a name,  thus encapsulating its data as a  
relation (a relation in the Codd sense of the word).  its the  
difference between:

select * from table, someothertable join somethirdtable on  
someothertable.id=somethirdtable.foo where table.id=somethirdtable.bar


select * from table, (select * from someothertable join somethirdtable  
on someothertable.id=somethirdtable.foo) as anon_1 where table.id =  

in the first case, we have a FROM clause that isn't even legal on many  
databases.  in the second we have a FROM clause that selects from two  
distinct selectables.

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