
I have one more question do we have the option of making different
type of joins ?
i have seen in docs it says it have join and outer join only

What abbt left outer right outer natural cross and many ...

On May 28, 9:00 pm, "Michael Bayer" <> wrote:
> SQLAlchemy SQL expressions have no need for JOIN USING which is just a
> typing saver in straight SQL.   you can approximate this in Python as
> follows:
> def using(t1, t2, *names):
>    return join(t1, t2, onclause=and_(*[t1.c[x]==t2.c[x] for x in names]))
> Ash wrote:
> > Hello
> > I want to make a join with using .
> > Eg. Table1 join table2 using (id)
> > How can i do this?
> > I have tried for join like table1 join table on t1.xx = t2.xx
> > Making the object like
> > t1 = Table(t1 ,metadata)
> > t2 = Table(t2 ,metadata)
> > t1xx = Column(xx)
> > t1.append_column(t1xx)
> > t2xx = Column(xx)
> > t2.append_column(t2xx)
> > i did lik join(t1,t2, onclause=t1xx == t2xx)
> > How cn i add using in the above way ?
> > thanks in advance
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