Thanks for all your hard work tracking down this issue.

On May 29, 8:02 pm, "Michael Bayer" <> wrote:
> Michael Bayer wrote:
> > Michael Bayer wrote:
> >> Jonathan Marshall wrote:
> >>> How is the sqlalchemy's outptut of parameters generated? It has the
> >>> wrong value in it.
> >> hold that thought, I've reproduced the bug.
> > its a hash collision resulting from a hopefully undocumented usage of the
> > "params" dict you send to execute, whereby you can place a bindparam()
> > construct as a key in that dict.   the bindparam() objects are created by
> > the text() construct, the hash values compare because after a lot of
> > values, you get a hash collision against the integer values being sent in,
> > and __eq__() returns True since all clauseelements produce an object
> > that's not False.
> > Since we had 0.5.4p3 scheduled for launch very soon, I'll look for a
> > workaround for this or remove the behavior altogether if I can get a sense
> > that nobody is using this feature.
> the behavior is removed in r5991.   0.5.4p3 is probably out today which
> was already planned.
> I'd be very surprised if anyone was using this behavior since it was never
> documented, it essentially looks like:
> bar = bindparam("bar")
> s = == bar)
> conn.execute(s, {bar:5})
> All of our documentation would write this as:
> conn.execute(s, {"bar":5})
> So its the {bar:5} feature that is removed.
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