On Saturday 06 June 2009 14.18:33 naktinis wrote:
> I want to use union on two queries, which have different order:
> q1 = Thing.query().order_by(Thing.a)
> q2 = Thing.query().order_by(Thing.b)
> q = q1.union(q2).all()

SQL doesn't work as you think it does here.

A UNION does not concatenate the results of the two queries, but is allowed 
to return the result in any order.  ORDER BY can *then* be applied to the 
end result of your union.  So even if you use subqueries, the order by in 
the subqueries might just be ignored.

This is to allow the SQL query planner to be clever while building the union 
(perhaps a large union over two queries over the same table: if both queries 
require a table scan over the large table, the planner might decide to build 
the union by scanning the table only once while running both queries in 
parallel, so the table is loaded from disk once insead of twice.  The UNION 
would then contain the resulting rows in more or less random order.)

But I digress.

What you want to do is something like:

SELECT 1 as COL1, ... FROM ...
SELECT 2 as COL1, ... FROM ...

-- vbi

> But after this query I get MySQL error message "Incorrect usage of
> I guess that this could be because having "SELECT ... UNION SELECT ...
> ORDER BY B", it is not clear whether the second subquery or both
> queries should be ordered using B criteria. I think this can be solved
> by adding brackets to each of the subquery: "(SELECT ...) UNION
> (SELECT ...)".
> Is there any way to create this query using SQLAlchemy ORM?
> I am using SQLAlchemy 0.5.4.
Vertrauen ist gut.  Anwalt ist saugeil.

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