Kamil Gorlo wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 4:20 PM, Michael Bayer<mike...@zzzcomputing.com>
> wrote:
>> the connection went from good to dead within a few seconds (assuming SQL
>> was successfully emitted on the previous checkout).   Your database was
>> restarted or a network failure occurred.
> There is no other option? I'm pretty sure that DB was not restarted,
> network failure is of course possible but still.. (this is the same
> LAN).
is there some condition that reproduces the issue ?   does a high degree
of concurrency increase the likelihood of a failure ?

 But, assuming this is external problem - is there any way to tell
> SQLAlchemy to try another connection for the same request (instead of
> returning HTTP 500 for user), or maybe other pooling strategy or even
> something else?

SQLA doesn't do this.   In most situations a connection dropped means the
contents of a transaction with any number of statements has been lost - so
you'd have to write your application such that the full steps required to
rerun your transaction can be replicated.   But I'd go for isolating why
you're getting connection drops over that solution.

> Thanks!
> Kamil
>> Kamil Gorlo wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I know this problem shows on group from time to time, but suggested
>>> solutions does not work for me (pool_recycle). Here is my situation:
>>> 1. I am using SQLAlchemy 0.4.7p1-2 from Pylons on Debian
>>> Lenny (xen-amd64)
>>> 2. From time to time I see in logs: "MySQL has gone away" and this is
>>> reason why some of HTTP requests made to my Pylons app fail.
>>> 3. My settings in configuration file are as follows:
>>> ...
>>> sqlalchemy.url = mysql://USER:p...@host:3306/DBNAME?charset=utf8
>>> sqlalchemy.pool_recycle = 60 #(wait_timeout on MySQL side is default,
>>> which is 8 hours AFAIK)
>>> sqlalchemy.convert_unicode = True
>>> ...
>>> <<<
>>> 4. I have logging enabled, and here is what I see when request fail
>>> (please look at connection identified as "at 2238cd0", its lifetime is
>>> one minute but it looks that in very last moment (the same second
>>> which it should be destroyed) this connection is returned from pool,
>>> possibly because of some http request - unfortunately after that we
>>> can see that error occurs). Also what is surprise for me why is whole
>>> pool recreating after this?
>>> P.S. Third column is thread id.
>>> 16:19:07,621 INFO  1115703632 [sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool.0x..10]
>>> Closing connection <_mysql.connection open to 'DB_HOST' at 2262480>
>>> 16:19:07,624 INFO  1115703632 [sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool.0x..10]
>>> Created new connection <_mysql.connection open to 'DB_HOST' at
>>> 2238cd0>
>>> 16:19:07,624 INFO  1115703632 [sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool.0x..10]
>>> Connection <_mysql.connection open to 'DB_HOST' at 2238cd0> checked
>>> out from pool
>>> 16:19:07,740 INFO  1115703632 [sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool.0x..10]
>>> Connection <_mysql.connection open to 'DB_HOST' at 2238cd0> being
>>> returned to pool
>>> 16:20:02,291 INFO  1107310928 [sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool.0x..10]
>>> Connection <_mysql.connection open to 'DB_HOST' at 2364540> checked
>>> out from pool
>>> 16:20:02,413 INFO  1107310928 [sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool.0x..10]
>>> Connection <_mysql.connection open to 'DB_HOST' at 2364540> being
>>> returned to pool
>>> 16:20:03,477 INFO  1132489040 [sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool.0x..10]
>>> Connection <_mysql.connection open to 'DB_HOST' at 222afb0> checked
>>> out from pool
>>> 16:20:03,516 INFO  1132489040 [sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool.0x..10]
>>> Connection <_mysql.connection open to 'DB_HOST' at 222afb0> being
>>> returned to pool
>>> 16:20:07,573 INFO  1124096336 [sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool.0x..10]
>>> Connection <_mysql.connection open to 'DB_HOST' at 2238cd0> checked
>>> out from pool
>>> 16:20:07,574 INFO  1124096336 [sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool.0x..10]
>>> Invalidate connection <_mysql.connection open to 'DB_HOST' at 2238cd0>
>>> (reason: OperationalError:(2006, 'MySQL server has gone away'))
>>> 16:20:07,574 INFO  1124096336 [sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool.0x..10]
>>> Closing connection <_mysql.connection open to 'DB_HOST' at 2238cd0>
>>> 16:20:07,574 INFO  1124096336 [sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool.0x..10]
>>> Connection None being returned to pool
>>> 16:20:07,575 INFO  1124096336 [sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool.0x..10]
>>> Closing connection <_mysql.connection open to 'DB_HOST' at 2364540>
>>> 16:20:07,575 INFO  1124096336 [sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool.0x..10]
>>> Closing connection <_mysql.connection open to 'DB_HOST' at 222afb0>
>>> 16:20:07,575 INFO  1124096336 [sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool.0x..10] Pool
>>> disposed. Pool size: 5  Connections in pool: 0 Current Overflow: -5
>>> Current Checked out connections: 0
>>> 16:20:07,575 INFO  1124096336 [sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool.0x..10] Pool
>>> recreating
>>> <<<
>>> Any ideas?
>>> Thanks for your help!
>>> Cheers,
>>> --
>>> Kamil Gorlo
>>> >
>> >
> >

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