you need to use the executemany form described at

On Jun 8, 2009, at 11:54 PM, Ashish Bhatia wrote:

> Sorry, Its my typing mistake :( . I put : insted , . But still my
> question yeat remained unanswered. :(
> On Jun 8, 7:50 pm, Didip Kerabat <> wrote:
>> You have Syntax Error here:
>> ('sdsd':'sdsds')
>> That one should be tuple right?
>> - Didip -
>> On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 6:14 AM, Ash <>  
>> wrote:
>>> Hello ,
>>> I am trying to insert in the table using two ways in the values  
>>> which
>>> i show below
>>> engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(<to poastgres>)
>>> metadata = MetaData()
>>> t1 = Table('master',metadata) # assume master has 2 feilds name ,  
>>> city
>>> t1.insert({'name':'tttt','city':'bank'})
>>> engine,execute(t1)
>>> This works for fine me.
>>> If i make values like this
>>> tt = [('asasas','belhium'),('sdsd':'sdsds')]
>>> t1.insert(values=tt)
>>> i get error
>>> sqlalchemy.exceptions.ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) syntax
>>> error at or near ")"
>>> LINE 1: INSERT INTO abc () VALUES ()
>>>                                ^
>>>  'INSERT INTO abc () VALUES ()' {}
>>> Can any one guide whts wrong... i jnow  value is not being passed so
>>> anyother way.
> >

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