The engine's conversion to unicode doesn't happen when you assign the
property, it happens when the underlying database operation is
committed, and arrives in the python object's property only after
roundtripping through the database.

In [50]: m1.body = 'new - NOT unicode'

In [51]: m1.body
Out[51]: 'new - NOT unicode'

In [52]: session.add(m1)

In [53]: m1.body
Out[53]: 'new - NOT unicode'

In [54]: session.commit()
2009-06-12 09:46:18,430 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...aa70
2009-06-12 09:46:18,431 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...aa70
INSERT INTO message (body) VALUES (?)
2009-06-12 09:46:18,431 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...aa70
['new - NOT unicode']
2009-06-12 09:46:18,432 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...aa70

In [55]: m1.body
2009-06-12 09:46:22,803 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...aa70
2009-06-12 09:46:22,804 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...aa70
SELECT message.body AS message_body
FROM message
WHERE message.body = ?
2009-06-12 09:46:22,805 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...aa70
['new - NOT unicode']
Out[55]: u'new - NOT unicode'

So if you want to rely on the engine's coercion to unicode, you have
to go through the engine.

But really, you ought to take care of unicode encoding issues yourself
before passing text data to SQLAlchemy. The engine cannot know where
your 8-bit strings come from, and just assumes that they are encoded
in UTF-8 (or whatever other encoding you set it to). You are better
equipped to know what encoding to expect your string input to be in
(and it may vary, depending on your input). If you don't know, find
out. (Or specify and assert.)


    - Gulli

On Jun 12, 6:20 am, "allen.fowler" <> wrote:
> Anybody?
> On Jun 4, 1:13 am, AF <> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I'm using sqlite and "convert_unicode = True "on the engine.
> > How can I force coerce string based object attributes in to unicode?
> > (I had thought "convert_unicode = True" would do this)
> > Here is what I am seeing...
> > Setup code:
> > engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True,
> > convert_unicode=True)
> > Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
> > session = Session()
> > metadata = MetaData()
> > m1 = message(u'message body 1')
> > Now, in ipython:
> > In [1]: session.add(m1)
> > In [2]: m1.body
> > Out[2]: u'message body 1'
> > In [3]: m1.body = u'new - unicode'
> > In [4]: m1.body
> > Out[4]: u'new - unicode'
> > In [5]: m1.body = 'new - NOT unicode'
> > In [6]: m1.body
> > Out[6]: 'new - NOT unicode'
> > In [7]: unicode(m1.body)
> > Out[7]: u'new - NOT unicode'
> > Output line 6 is the problem.
> > Ideally, I'd like to see output lines 6 & 7 be the same.
> > Am I doing something wrong?
> > Thank you,
> > Allen
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